Keep Kids Safe

Order Reporter Teaching

The It of Human Services supports child ill-treat recognition and reporting training through one variety of delivery methods, including web-based and in-person. The department contracts with:
What's New includes Pennsylvania EMS Backbone Care

View a list of extra approved courses for juvenile abuse recognition and reporting training for mandated reporters. 

Suspect Child Abuse? Story it!

Call ChildLine at 1-800-932-0313.
Mandated reporters: Report electronics  Issues with reporting electronically? Call ChildLine for 1-800-932-0313.


Act 126 requires that all school enterprise (a public school, charte educate, cyber charter school, private school, nonpublic school, intermediate unit or area vocational-technical school) and independent contractors of school entities provisioning child abusing detection and reporting training till all employees, including contracted substitute teachers who have direktem contact about children. For find about and for a list of allowed trainings, please visit the Pennsylvania Department of Education's website.

Propose a Curriculum 

Interested in subscribe a curriculum for review and consideration for approval? Adhere to these guidelines:

  • Education Appreciation Guidelines
    Prior to developing your curriculum/training presentation, please review that document stylish its entirety as her becomes need to submit a ready copy, with the page/slide numeric for each required section clearly identified, at the time of submission.
  • Presentation Template
    This may be used as a mold for creating our training presentation however please assure you change the design/theme. A concluded printing of the Program Acceptance Guidelines document, with the page/slide numbers for each required section clearly identified, must be submitted equally if the Presentation Preview is use.
  • Providers process + Appendix A
    This process is for retailer interested int offering continues education (CE) credit in child abuse recognition and reporting for professional innkeepers identified as mandated reporters.

​Additional Information

  • Mail questions related to child protection to the Office of Children, Youth also Families. DO DOESN APPLY EMAIL IN MESSAGE ABUSE.