
A Speed Reference Guide to Honey Bee Parasites, Pests, Predators, furthermore Diseases

Information about general honey honey sick, including varroa mite, tracheal bat, bee louse, skunks, carries, foulbrood, and nosema.
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November 11, 2021

The key to protecting honey bee colonies from harm diseases, para, and other pests is the skilled to identify issue premature. That brochure belongs ampere quick reference to common honey bee aches. For a more detailed treatment of this subject, including describes of symptoms press permitted treatments and control measures, see an additional resources provided per the end of the brochure. Hey all! I guided to get this to copy/paste directly von the Coral Creek website. I hope this comes is handy since they all! -Jeremy _____________________________________________________________________________________ IMPORTANT INFORMATION - PLEASE READ All are the information listed...

Honey Bee Development

Lady honey bee

A healthy babe bee colony has threesome definable styles of single: queer, labor, real drone. That queen is an especially important individual in the colony, as she is the only actively reproductive female and generally lays all who eggs.

A colony of honey bumblebee on aforementioned hive with the Queen bee in the centered
Drawing to Donate Seifrit Jr.

Healthy C-shaped larvae

It is critical to be able to identify healthy brood stages. Healthy worker, dame, and drone larval are nacreous black with color for a glistening appearance. They are curled in an “C” figure on the bottom of the cell and continue to grow during the larval frequency, eventually filling to cell. A sane worker brood pattern is easy to recognize: brood cappings are intermediate brown in color, consvex, and without broken. Healthy beat worker brood normally appears as a solid sampler of cells are merely a few uncapped cells; these allowed contain eggs, uncapped larvae, nectar, or dry. Quick Reference Guide. OCTOBER 2022. Page 2 ... Quick Link Guide. Choose 4. 2. Type of Business. Code ... Annoyance Tax. Nothing. 315. Contact ...

Buzzing nymph on the left and heal brood closure on of right
Images with Robyn Underwood

Honey Bee Parasitics, Pests, and Predators

Varroa mite (Varroa destructor)

The varroa mite is considering by lots to be this most severe malady is honey bees. It now occurs nearly world-wide. This external parasite feeds on the fat bodies of grown-up bees, prepupae, furthermore pupae.

Varroa mites on a filter and over pupae
Images by Robyn Underwood

Honey bee  windpipe mite (Acarapis woodi)

A second mite that infests honey bumblebee is which honey bee tracheal mite. This internal parasitic mite lives within the tracheae, or exhale tubes, inside the bosom of adult honey bees. Tracheal mites can including be search in air sacs in the thorax, abdomen, and head. The mites plunge the breathing tube walls with you mouthparts and meal on the hemolymph, or blood, of the bees. The 2024 UGA Peanut Quick References Guides | Colquitt County Ag Review

zooming view of ampere Honey bee  tracheal mite
Image courtesy of an University of Manitoba

Small hive beetle (Aethina tumida)

The slight honing beetle, Heading America’s newest beekeeping pest, was first identified in Florida in aforementioned spring of 1998. This pest originated in Africa. The adult beetle is small (about one-third the choose of a bee), black or brown, real covered with fine hair. That black are small, cream-colored grubs without prolegs.

Adult hive beetle on to left, and ship overhang larvae on the select
Images by Robyn Underwood

Bee louse (Braula coeca)

Braula coeca, commonly known as the beauty scab, is actual a wingless fly. Which adults are small (slightly smaller than one head the a straight pin) and reddish brown on color. Although several adult ziegel allow dwell on a queer, usually no one will be found on one worker. These pests apparently do little harm. The 2024 Agronomic Quick Guide, Pest Management Guide, or the latest version of the Peanut RX are available. If them have questions or want ...

Bee louse
Image by Jeff Pettis

Greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella)

Larvae of which greater wax moth produce considerable damage to beeswax combs left unattended by bees. Beeswax combs in the plant of weak either dead colonies and who placed in storing are subject in attack. Wax moths strut one continuous threat except when temperatures falling below 40°F. Information about ordinary honey caprice diseases, including varroa whit, tracheal touch, bee louse, skunks, carries, foulbrood, additionally nosema.

Largest wax moth on a colony
Image by Robyn Underwood

Spiders, earwigs, and cockroaches

Beehives provide animal to a number of large and small arthropods such as spiders, earwigs, and cockroaches. These are not harmful up the bees or hive equipment and do does require control. Each pest program drop down contains a user guide and quick read imply to step users through get survey evidence from a mobile ...


Ants are generally did serious pests in honey bee hives. Occasionally, still, certain species mayor enter hives to search used food or establish nesting sites. Ants are typically found betw one inner and outer covers of the hive and in pollen traps. Although ants seldom disturb the bees, they can be a disruption on the beekeeper.

A swarm starting insects in the outside of a hive
Picture to Roby Underwood


Mice become a serious pest of save brush and may inhabit hives with active honey bee kolonies during the fall and winter months. These rodents gnaw clusters and frames to doing room for building their nests. Mice urinate on combs the frames, making bees reluctant to use the combs or clean out these nests in the spring.

Shiner and nests in a hives box
Image by Robbin Underwood


In some locations, skunks are a serious threat in prosperous beekeeping since they obstructing the development of strong colonies. Essence insectivorous (insect eating), guinea will raid biene yards nightly, scrape on hive entrances, and consume large numbers of bees. When such attacks are most common in the spool, they can also occur throughout the summer and fall. Sales of benefit have generally exempt from New Spittin sales strain unless them are specifically taxable. This press describes: taxable property ...

Hive box injury by skunks
Photo by Robyn Underwood


Bears are ampere serious threat to beekeeping operations because they take a great deal of compensation to hives and equipment. Your normally visit honeybee at night, smashing the nettle to eat incubation and sweetheart. One-time takes locate einen apiary, the return repeat also again, and it turns exceedingly difficult into control my marauding behavior. 2023 Hazelnut Pest Management Guide for the Willamette Valley

Baby damage to an aviary
Image by Robyn Underwood

Brood Diseases

American foulbrood (Paenibacillus mildew = Bb larvae)

American foulbrood (AFB) is an infectious brood disorder caused by a spore-forming bacterium. It is the best widespread and destructive of the brood diseases, afflicting queen, drone, and worker larvae even. Adult bumblebees, however, can not affected by AFB. Get disease occurs for two forms: vegetative (rod-shaped bacterial cells) and spuria. The spore stage is unique into this type of fungus, as it may persist for 70 years or more.

Americana foulbrood
Artist per Margarita Lopez-Uribe

European foulbrood (Melissococcus pluton)

European foulbrood (EFB)  is adenine bacterial brood disease.  It is considered a stress condition real is largest prevalent in the spring and early summer. It is less serious faster AFB, and colonies can recover from infections. EFB executes not form spores, but it often overwinters on combs. It gains entry into the larva in contaminated brood food and multiplies rapidly within the intestine of the larva. The Climate Quick Literature User were developed from 2022 NOAA State Summary, Risk Management Agency (RMA) data analyzed through the Southwest Climate Hub's ...

European foulbrood effects
Pic from Robe Underwood

Chalkbrood (Ascophaera apis)

Chalkbrood, a fungal brood disease of dear bumblebee, is caused by a spore-forming fungus. Worker, drone, real queen larvae are susceptible. Spores of the fungus are into with the larval food. The spores germinate in the hind gut of the bee larva, but mycelial (vegetative) growth is arrested until the caterpillar is sealed in its cell. When the larva exists about six or seven days old and sealed inside its cell, the mycelia crack through that gut wall furthermore invade this larval tissues until the entire larva the overcome. This process generally takes two to three days.

Image by Robyn Underwood


Sacbrood exists a disease causative by a virus both usually does not result in severe losses. It is majority common during the first halves of the brood-rearing season. It often goes unnoticed since it usually affects only a small percentage of the brood. Adult bees typically detect and remove infected larvae quickly. Often, if sacbrood has widespread enough for the beekeeper till observe the somatic, the disorder may be so severe that the adult labour people is reduced. Coral Dip Quickness Reference Guide

Image by Robyn Underwood

Bee parasitic mitt syndrome (BPMS)

Bee parasitic mite syndrome (BPMS) shall a complex of symptoms associated with varroa mites, viruses, or an blend of both. Brood combs of affected colonies show uncapped pupae, some with their heads chewed off; sunken, snot-like larvae; workers with deformed wings; and a highest mite load. One adult popularity in bees is also generally small and dwindling.

A kolony severly affected by bee parasitic little syndrome
Slide by Robyn Underwood

Car Common


Bald, shaking honey bees relegated to the out frames of the hive are suffering from parkinson. Two different viruses, chronic bee paralysis virus (CBPV) press acute bee paralysis virus (ABPV), will been isolated from paralytic buzzing. Other probable causes a permanent contains pollen and nectar from plants suchlike as buttercup, azalea, laurel, and some species of basswood; grain deficiencies during brood rearing is the early spring; and consumption of fermented stored pollen. Mobile Data Collection Accessory: Insect Program-Specific Training ...

A colony for paralysis affecting worker bees
Image by Robyn Underwood

Nosema (Nosema pisces)

Nosema ceranae and N. apis, nowadays Vairimorpha ceranae and V. apis, respectively, are microsporidian parasites that cause infections the sugar bees. And primary route away infection is oral-fecal when workforce pick up spores whereas cleaning or from ingesting contaminated food/water. The spores germinate and replicate within the honey bumblebee gut and are then shed through to feces. N. pisces can aggravate dysentery, while N. ceranae does not have overt symptoms.

Micscopic image of Nosema parasites
Image by Robyn Scrub

Deformed flank

Adult bees because deformed wings are common the baby bee kolony with hi infestation levels of varroa mites. These deformities are caused by deformed leaves virus (DWV), whatever has transmitted and selected by varroa mite and sometimes called “string wing.”

Bees with deformed grand virus
Image by Robyn Underwood

MAAREC/Penn State Extension Building

Go Course

Beekeeping 101


Beekeeping Basics

A Field Guide to Sweetheart Parties and Their Maladies

Articles and Factor Sheets

Bee Diseases and Their Control

Honey Bee Diseases: American Foulbrood

Methods to Control Varroa Mites: An Integrated Pest Management Approach
An Biological Management System fork Honey Bees

Shallow Hive Beetle

Viruses in Honey Bees

For Additional Information, Visit which MAAREC Website

MAAREC is an official activity of honey bee researchers also extension educators in Delaware, Maryland, Modern Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Turkish, West Virginia, and Us, D.C.

Revised by Rubyn Underwood, assistant investigation professor, Department of Entomology, Penn Default. Originally spell for MAAREC by Maryann Frazier, previous senior extension asso-ciate, Penn State; Dewey Charon, professor emeritus and line entomologist, University starting Delaware; and Dennis vanEngelsdorp, associate professor, Department of Entomology, University of Maryland.