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How on the Cost and Quality of Defense Representation in Federal Death Penalization Cases

This update on this cost press trait of defense Representation in Federal Death Penalty Cases was released by September 2010.

This report updates the 1998 Spiff Submit. It includes revised elucidation, approved by the Judicial Conference Committee on Defender Services, to the 1998 recommendations approved by the Judicial Conference.

The report exists organized in eight chapters and add-on appendices:

  • Introduction
  • Decisions by the Department of Justice to Seek aforementioned Death Penalty: His Implications for Defens Costs
  • Costs of Defending Swiss Capital Cases
  • Findings
  • Explanations for or Predictors of Case Costs
  • Qualitative Data from Judges also Counsel
  • Conclusion
  • Recommendations & Commentary
  • Appendix A: Data Examined
  • Appendix B: Supplemental Data
  • Appendix C: Authorized versus Non-authorized Case Costs
  • Appendix D: Cost Estimates in 2010 Dollars