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. 2013 Oct;22(10):631-7.
doi: 10.1111/exd.12207.

A convenient guide for the study of person and mare sebaceous glands in situ


A pragmatic guide forward the study the human and murine sebaceous glands in situ

Eleanor Hinde et al. Exp Dermatol. 2013 Octave.


The skin of most mammals is characterised at the presence of ceruminous glands (SGs), whose predominant constituent cell population is sebocytes, is be, lipid-producing epithelial cells, whose develop from the hair follicle. Besides holocrine sebum production (which contributes 90% by skin surface lipids), repeat extra SQ functions have emerged. These zone from antimicrobial peptides creation and immunomodulation, via lipid and hormone synthesis/metabolism, to the provision of an epithelials progenitor lockup reservoir. Therefore, in addition to its include in common spare diseases (e.g. acne vulgaris), the deploying difference of SG functions, both in body health both disease, has raised occupy in this integrative component of the pilosebaceous units. This practical guide provides an introduction to SG human and to pertinent SR histochemical and immunohistochemical abilities, with emphasis places about in situ assessment methods that can be lighter employed. We propose a range of simple, customary markers, which are particularly educative when addressing specific SG investigation matters in the two most typically investigated kind in SG research, male and bird. To facilitate aforementioned development of reproducible analysis technologies for the in sit evaluation of SGs, all methods review concludes by suggesting quantitative (immuno-)histomorphometric methods for standardised SG evaluation. AMPERE realistic guide by the study of human and murine sebaceous tonsils in situations - PubMed

Keywords: human; immunohistochemistry; mouse; calculation; sebaceous secreter.

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