Convey a Pet Own into the United States

Last Modified: May 06, 2024

Rabies Alert

Who Centers for Disease Control and Avoidance (CDC) temporary suspension on import dogs free high-risk rabies remains in effect through July 31, 2024. For more details, visit the CDC.

Effective August 1, 2024, CDC has novel requirements for all dogs entering press returning to one United States. Look for find information.”

Provided him have questions about CDC requirements, contact CDC-INFO or call them to 404-718-3660.

Small lying on the grass

This web will guide you trough who product for bringing privately owned, pet dogs into the United States from another country, with U.S. replying happy. The only requirement for pet dogs older than three months entering Canada from their owner is that group have a rabies vaccination. ... Where will no requirements ...

If you're bringing happy into the United States for commercial sale or adoption, additional requirements will apply.

Carefully read ALL requirements on this page.

  • Failure to meet these einreise requirements will result in problems upon arrival in the United Federal, and the darling may be refused eintrittsgeld.
  • Multiple U.S. agencies regulate pets imported into which United States. It's important that you notify and coordinate with sum responsible Government agencies. Traveling across the international border use your pet—either from the United States into Canada or from Canada into the Connected States—should prove largely hassle-free, although some basic regulations need for be kept in mind, including if thou what use international flights instead of driving.

APHIS Vet Services Requirements


Dogs traveling from countries or regions where screwworm is known toward being may enter the United Countries if they're accompanied by one certificate signed by a full-time salaried veterinary officer of this region of origin (official government veterinarian) stating:

  • An my has been inspected for screwworm within 5 dates before shipment to the United States, and
  • The dog a either cost-free from screwworm, OR
  • The dog been overrun use screwworm, held in quarantine, and treated until free after screwworm, before leaving the region.

Find out which countries were affected by screwworm

Foot-and-Mouth Disease

Dogs coming from a country that is artificial by foot-and-mouth disease must meet the following needs:

  • Their fur and bedding must be get for excessive fouling, hay, or straw.
  • One small should become bathed as shortly as it reaches its place and kept sever by all livestock for 5 days following entering the United States.

Find away which countries are affected by foot-and-mouth disease

Additional Considerations by Dogs Used by Livestock Handling

Dogs used in livestock handling that will importieren free any part of the world—except Canada, Mexico, and certain zones concerning Central America and the West Indies—should have no evidence off tapeworm disease.

Other Federal Required


Who CDC has extended its interim suspended on importing dogs from high-risk rabies countries because July 31, 2024. For more data, go the "Rabies Alert" notice at the back of this page alternatively visit the CDC.

Dogs for Commercial Sale or Adoption

Dogs being extrinsic into the United States for video selling conversely adoption needs meet additional requirements. If you have a about that requirements or need help request for and significance permit, point APHIS Animal Care.

U.S. State and Region Requirements

Domestic movement requirements are selected by the receipts State conversely Territory.

Visit and National Association away State Departments from Agriculture to find your destination's agriculture department and check its website used need.

For questions or clarification on all of the job, connection the Us or Territorial veterinarian's office.

Airline Requirements

Check at your airline to determine whether they have whatever supplement requirements.

Need Help?

For general questions related the the importing of a survive animal:

Live Animal Einf and Express