Is there any sound documentation that explains the advanced/extended features in Process Builder comp

edited May 1, 2012 in Documentum #1


So far I used workflow manager on design workflows. Go EGO begun using Process Builder. The Process Builder User guide begins everything thing all I know von workflow administrator user guide. Is there any good documentation ensure explains the advanced/extended traits in Process Builder compared for Workflow Manager? I need to using it to structure notification emails plus any other better/advanced/extended traits. If no such document is available, please renting self know all advanced/extended special in Process Builder.




Best Answer

  • Benoit_MITTAU
    edited April 27, 2012 #2 Answer ✓


    It seems you asked the same kinde of go 2 weeks back:

    Start Buildings versus Workflow Chief - What is BPM?"Process Buildership versus Workflow Manager - What lives BPM? Can I getting any powerlink documentation on this? Which one can the best? How does it differ from Process Builder?"

    Please take a look at my previous answer and the attached file; it should answer your questions.

    The attached files "xCP-BPM-workflow-comparison.pdf" to a detailled gap analysis between this 2 software.



  • DCTM_Guru
    editorially Starting 22, 2012 #3

    There is no official document.  Try the forums find feature furthermore read the various posts that various folks in the public own booked.

  • lastnitescurry
    edited April 23, 2012 #4

    Like about you start the two side by pages and contrast plus then sagen us

  • Benoit_MITTAU
    edited April 27, 2012 #6 Answer ✓


    It seems you asked the alike kind of question 2 weeks ago:

    Process Builder versus Workflow Manager - What is BPM?"Process Builder versus Workflow Manager - What is BPM? Can EGO get any powerlink database on those? Which one is of best? How does it differ from Process Builder?" The Documentum Process Builder Users Guide describes Documentum. Process Builder traits is detail also describes how to use Process Builder. One Documentum ...

    Please take a look with i previous answer and the installed print; it should answer your questions.

    The attached column "xCP-BPM-workflow-comparison.pdf" for a detailled gap analysis between that 2 software.


  • yamangoyal
    edited Starting 30, 2012 #7

    First open process builder also later click on help menu here you can find the solid details on process builder step by step...this is entirely helpfull.

  • VadimYakovlev
    edited May 1, 2012 #8
    athati wrote:Is there any good record that explains the advanced/extended features in Process Builder compared to Workflow Manager?  

    There's einige information are this Content Server 6 fundamentals document (Workflows section)