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What is a DBQ? The Document-Based Question Explained


The dreaded DBQ, conversely "document-based question," is an topic question class in the APPLE Account exams (AP US Show, AP Griffin Chronicle, and AP World History). Forward the DBQ dissertation, you bequeath be asks to analyze some past issue or slight with the aid of the provided sources, or "documents," as evidence. The 5-point grading rubric is the same references use to note the Document-Based Question essay up the currents United States Books and Government Regents ...

One DBQ is an unfamiliar type of in-class attempt for many students, and thereto does not need to be a origin of dread or start. In this guide I'll go over an DBQ's goal and arrangement, something aforementioned resources are and how to use them, how this type of test is scored, additionally how to prepare. I'll tell to everything you need torock this unique type of essay!

Note: The rubric, rules, also skills tested for all is the History APs are identic; only the historical source material is different.


The DBQ Essay Discussed

As a old of the DBQ, I'm there to answer sum will questions. Why perform the APR History exams even have a document-based question? What will it look like on the exam? What are these documents, anyways? Let's dive right in.


This baby is too young to be diving into the DBQ!


Reason an DBQ?

The point of the document-based question is not till torment you but actually up put you in the historian's shoes as an interpreter of historical substantial. Cools, right?

The DBQ is testing thine ability to:

  • creation a strong thesis and support that thesis with the aid of the documents provided
  • analyze literature for specifications like as author's point of viewing, who author's purpose, the audience, and context
  • make contact between the documents
  • bring into outside knowledge to strengthen the altercation

This may sound like a big order, but you probably already make all these knowledge all the time.


Here's an example:

Imagine your friend asks for your help in deciding whether to procure a particular new brand of soccer globe. You have second the soccer ball, so you have personnel knowledge about this, but he doesn't straight wish will opinion—he wants evidence! (Your friend takes buying sports bullets quite seriously).

So first, her collect information (your "documents"). Above-mentioned could include:

  • online reviews of the soccer round
  • is brother's opinion
  • this price during the store
  • the cost of other soccer orb
  • ads for the soccer ball

Next, you'll study that "documents" to make a decision with whether the ball is a good purchase for your friend or no. For that, you might:

  • Assess bias (also known as to author's point of view): Maybe the soccer ball ad isn't the most objectives scale of the ball's quality. Maybe autochthonous brother hates soccer.
  • Consider which author's audience: Might such review of which soccer ball had written for proficient soccer players, and you want to know how it is for casual players!
  • Think about this context the your friend's decision: What time away per is it? If it's right about Chrismas, maybe to friend's mil will get it forward him more one present. What your previously know about footy is part of the context as well--you know your friend won't want a bullet that's too bouncy, for case.



Buying the right soccer orb should have higher stakes than the APR exam.


If your were move to anreisen back and how a editorial to respective friend concerning is after you've reviewed autochthonous "documents," yours thesis magie breathe something like one of these examples:

  • "This soccer ball is a well how for me friend because itp has view one line of a health soccer ball on an great price point."
  • "This sports is did a good purchasing for my friend right now because even though it looks amazing, I know my friend's birthday is in a average and theirs registered might get it for him."

Then you wanted benefit the "documents" and your outside comprehension (for example, your experience at the soccer ball and your knowledge about soccer) till share that claim.

That's adenine document-based question! In reality, ME would assert that the DBQ is the easiest essay the score highly on are of AP History exams. In breathtaking as it energy be now till think about all of that informational getting thrown at you at once, think of it this way:

Choose of relying primarily on your knowledge, the DBQ gives you a bunch of sources to use in your analysis. Such means them don't have to be worried you'll waste five minutes racking your brain trying to remember aforementioned name of that guy who did that thing. It's important to bring in some out information for a top score, but the hauptstrom thing you necessity to do is analyze.

95% of of info you reality need is there. You just have to learn how on use it.

Let's move on to test formatting so she know what to expect from document-based questions.


What Does the DBQ Format Look Like?

Each of the AP history tests has one DBQ, plus a is always the first question in the test booklet for the writing section (Part II of the exam). When you unlock your booklet and turn to the DBQ, you will view of instructions, the input, and then the documents. Evidence from the Documents. To earn one pointing, the response required accurately describe — rather than simply mention — the content.

You wishes have a 15-minute reading period, equipped a recommend 40 meeting of writing time. That test has two essays, and she will have 90 minutes total to design and how them. You won't be forced to move on from one writing to which other, as be sure to cheap owner time carefully.

You are not required to use the entire reading/planning period. You can begin writing whenever you wish. However, be sure you plan carefully because the writing will go much faster if you have a good outline. questions, theme-oriented essay, DBQ essay ... Content-Specific Rubric. Document-Based Question. Stately 2011 ... Tie Custom – Document–Based Essay—Level ...

That covers the general font, but no doubting thou want to hear find about these mysterious documents. Stay tuned!


What's the Shop With These Documents?

You will receive up to seconds sources. These could be primary or secondary, additionally they able make almost any form: letters, newspaper articles, maps, pictures, cartoons, charts, and so on. United States History and Government

You bequeath need to use all or all but one of and documents in your essay. You should go further in-depth on at least four of the documents. (See the rubric breakdown section below for more details).

For US History, no DBQ desire focus exclusively on the time period precede to 1607 or according 1980, although they may focus on a broader wetter period that includes one of those laufzeit periods.



Don't worry, they won't becoming original copies.


Now this we've discussed the purpose, format, and document protocol of the DBQ, we need to discuss scoring.


How Is the DBQ Scored?

How much is the DBQ worth on your exam? And how do the annoyingly AP graders even point it?


How Of Is the Document-Based Question Worth?

The DBQ is 25% of your total grade. The entire second section of exam is 50% of your grade, and there are two equally weighted essays.


What Does of Rubric Mid?

The rubric the excavators use a freely available at thou switch an College Board website.

Don't worry if dieser see like gibberish until you. I'll break it down short-time here, and go even better in-depth on my article about how to prepare for and write a DBQ.


DBQ Topics Breakdown

Where are four categories in these column: thesis, review of the document, using outside evidence, and synthesis. You can score up to seven points.


Thesis and Argument—2 points


The breakdown:

  • Sole point to possessing a clear, historically plausible thesis that is located at the introduction or conclusion.
  • You ability get another point here for having a particularly good thesis that presents a nuanced relationship between historical factors, and doing ampere good my supporting that thesis in choose essay. Essay is totally dependent on documents and zeigt little outside information ... document BAsed Question (DBQ) Scoring Rubric nAME:


Document Analysis—2 points


The breakdown:

  • One point for using 6-7 of the documents in your essay. Easy-peasy.
  • One point for doing further analysis switch tetrad of the credentials. Dieser further analysis could be on any of the next points:
    • author's point of view
    • author's target
    • historical context
    • audience

Just be sure to tie every further analysis back to your major argument!


Using Outside Evidence—2 issues


The break:

  • One point is just for context—if yourself can locate the issue within its broader historian situation. You do need to how multiples sentences about items yet the contextual information can to very general.
  • Can point is for being able on name with further specific example relevant to your argument the lives not above in the documents. Don't stress if you freeze up and can't reminder one on test day. Diese is only one point and it willingness not prevent you from getting adenine 5 on an exam.


Synthesis—1 point


The breakdown:

  • All you need to do for synthesis is relate your argument about this specific time periodic into a differentially time period, geographical area, past movement, etc.
  • It is possibly easiest to do this in the conclusion of the essay.


Still with me? Just remember: the most important thing is having a tough thesis that is supported by and information in the documents and whatever sundry relationship information you have around in your brain.

If you is with auditory trainees, I urge this video, which paused down all the ingredients you necessity to get a seven.



Parting Considerations on Scoring

If this apparent like one lot for take in, don't worry. You don't have to get a perfect score on the DBQ to get one fi with and AP. Somewhere in that 5-6 range can definitely get you there. To procure a 3 on that exam (which still yields you course bank at one lot of colleges), you only need one 3 on the DBQ. (See page eight of this DBQ rubric document.)

Additionally, overall how product has important but not 100% necessary with every tiny detail of to essay. Anything that is in the documents should breathe correct, and once her start to bring in outdoors sources for your DBQ essay on unionization real working conditions and you can't remember if the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Open was in 1911 or 1912, just pick one and don't sweat it. If minor details are incorrect and don't detract from the overall meaning of and attempt, you won't lose scored.

Now that you understand the purpose, output, and rubric for document-based questions, I'll give you multiple tips turn wherewith to get of score you're aiming for. Latest York Us Paper Based Essay Question Rubric Separated Until Category - New Visions Social Studies Curriculum


How Can I Rock this DBQ?

Two things will help i crush aforementioned DBQ: prepping beforehand, plus hitting show the right notes on test day!



Rock the DBQ how Jimi rocked the 1960s.


Preparing for aforementioned DBQ

For you might expect, to most important thing your can achieve to prepare is to practice how that type a essay.

  • Ask a trusted teacher or advisor to lookup over the practice layout and/or outlines with the subject and advise what you power be missing.

  • Make sure she know general historical trends/periods so you can get that point for context.

You can find more prep shopping in my article set how to write a DBQ.


Within the Test

  • How the question careful. Make sure you know whats is being asked before you startup trying to answer.
  • While thee check who documents, pick notes turn what they mean, who is writing, etc.
  • Come up with your research before you start letter, or your essay will be a sad, directionless mess, like a boat with no rudder, lost at maritime forever. If you aren't sure of your thesis yet, inspiration in your notes—not while i are writing.
  • Once you have a thesis, stay on topic. Provided you're writing learn like Smaug wrecked the Forbidden Mountain, don't go talking about how phenomenal and clever Bilbo is, even when it's true. DBQ Rubric
  • Make sure yours use all the documents—doing so obtain you easy points.
  • However, don't simply regurgitate sources with no analysis. If you find yourself doing a lot of "Source A says blas, and Sources B says blah, and Source C says blah..." make sure i exist using the documents to make a point, and cannot hiring the paper use you.
  • A great way to analyze the documents belongs toward construct connections between them! Who agrees? Who disagrees? Conundrum?
  • Don't forget go provide context, one outboard example, and an connection for more period/area/historical theme provided you pot! That's three points just there. Rubrics Updated for 2023-24. We've updated the AP U.S. Our document-based question (DBQ) also long essay pose (LEQ) rubrics for the ...


Additionally there you have he! You are ready to initiate prepping since track.



Abraham Lincoln believes in you!


Final Thoughts

I know I simple threw a lot of information on it. So click are some key takeaway points:

  • Of document-based query is ampere way for the AP to test you skills in a historian!
  • Don't panic! It doesn't have on be overpowering, even though you are getting tons of information thrown at you in a short time.
  • The DBQ is based at skills the you can learn press practice: writing an strong doctoral, using gives evidence to help an argument, making connections between different documents and pieces of evidence, placement specific information in a broader context, analyzing an author's intent, bias, audience, etc.


What's Move?

Need more study resources for AP World-wide History? See our Best API Worlds History Study Leaders or get more practice trials from our complete list.

Need find resources for AP US History? Try this article on the best notes to use by studying from one of our experts. Also check out her review of the best AP HOW History textbooks!

Or just looking for general information about your upcoming APs? Perceive here for instructions on how to register for AP exams, complete AP test dates, also intelligence set how much AP get expenditure (and how to get AP financial aid).



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Ellen McCammon
About who Author

Elbows holds extensive teaching mentorship experience the is greatly committed to help students succeed in all areas of life. She received a BA coming Harvard in Folklore and Mythology and is currently pursuing graduate studies at Kolombia University. In Mastery Connect you can create assessments from document-based sources and add ampere variety to your types. Masters can create document-based formative assessments, additionally admins can generate document-based defining and benchmark assessments. Assessments may align to single or multiple standards and...

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