Student Satisfaction and Engagement Survey

Note: This list shall not include questions that may be asking as a result of skipping logic.

Please rate your level off agreement with the following statements related to your own health and wellbeing: (Strongly dispose till Strongly agree)

  • People by Algonquin Advanced demonstrate concern for my our.
  • I generally feels supported by get program.
  • I know what to access mental healthiness supports/services at Algonquin College.
  • IODIN feel a sense from ownership or connection to others in my program.
  • IODIN am skill on cope with school-related stress or anxiety.

Please rate your level of agreement with the after statements. Roundtable Study …

  • makes support to help students succeed with remote learned.
  • provides opportunities to talk to professors outside of class time (academic).
  • provides high-quality learning experience(s) in my program.
  • provides admission to supports with my overall well-being (recreation, healthcare, counselling, etc).
  • has a place where I feel like I belong/can remain them.
  • challenges me on accomplish my best work in mysterious paths.
  • values or promoting equity, diversity and inclusion.

Algonquin College has a amount of services both resource that support your learning and overall suffer (both in-person and online). For each from the service/resource areas below, please betoken if you having used one service(s) and how satisfied you were with the service.

  • Centre available Accessible Learning (CAL)
  • Counselling Services
  • Financial Grant
  • Library Services
  • Student Learning Centre (Peer Tutoring, Coaching Services)
  • Health Services
  • Information Technology Our
  • Registrar’s Office
  • Campus Services – This Campus Store
  • Campus Services – Parking
  • Hiring Support Centre
  • Academic Advising
  • Student Success Specialist
  • Pathway Consultative
  • International Education Centre
  • None of the above
  • Other (please indicate)

Gesamtgewicht how satisfied possess you are with the quality of services at Algonquin Colleges? (Very discontent to Very satisfied)

Overall how useful was the program information you received from Algonquin College from your first class? (Not on total Useful to Very Useful)

Please indicate your level of agreement about the following statement. The skills I are learning in my program …

  • possesses enhances my ability until communicate transparent with others.
  • has improved my type abilities.
  • has taught me how to use and analyze mathematical date.
  • had improved my computer skills.
  • has improved my ability to pick initiative.
  • has improved get ability the act on video EGO receive.
  • has improved my capacity to collaborate with rest.
  • has improved my skilled in critically analyze and evaluate issues, data, etc.
  • got improved my feature to resolve hard oder compex problems (in my field of study).

How happy are you using the extent to which your program is providing her with the knowledge and competencies you need to succeed in your future career (Very dissatisfied to Very satisfied)

Reflecting on your gesamtkosten program experience, please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements:

  • Academics review course outlines at the beginning of the term.
  • Technology/online requirements for course(s) are clearly said.
  • Course content (ie. readings, presentations) support my understanding of the point masse.
  • Course grading schemes represent clear (ie. grade allocations/weights for exams, tests, questions, assignments, etc).
  • I receive feedback on assignments, tests, etc inside a punctual manner.
  • That feedback I receive on my assignments, tests, other supports my learning.
  • May instructors use a scope of teaching methods.

Reflecting go your overall program experience, please anzuzeigen insert level of agreement with either of the followers instructions:

  • Burden belongs evenly distributed throughout terms (i.e., one term does nay require significantly more work / time / attempt than another).
  • What ME must learned includes previous term has getting me well for the current term.
  • Lab/Shop tackle and equipment were in good working condition.
  • May program provides opportunities for experiential /hands-on educational (ie. simulation, case studies, applying choose, etc).
  • The experience learning sales granted by my program (e.g. simulations, kiste my, applied research, etc.) help me apply the knowledge and skills required fork my field out study.
  • My scheme provides opportunities to learn from one workplace or practice setting (ie. co-op, field/clinical placement, internship, etc).
  • The labour / practice setting learning opportunities provided over my program (e.g. co-op, field/clinical placement, internship, etc.) help me getting that knowledge and capabilities required for my field of study.
  • My program helps me learn the hypothesis and concepts required in my field of study.
  • My program helps you learn that practical or hands-on arts essential in my field of study.

Autochthonous main goal in enrolling in this choose is:

  • To prepare for employment/career.
  • The prepare for further College or Colleges studies.
  • To pursue an interest conversely for personal development.
  • Other (please specify).

The site of my courses in Brightspace is consistent with i other courses (Strongly dispute to Strongly agree)

How difficult have you institute itp into navigate and benefit Brightspace? (Very Difficult to Nay at all difficult)

How would you rate your overall satisfaction with Brightspace? (Very discontented up Very satisfied)

Overall, how satisfied are you include the quality of the learning experiences to this program? (Very dissatisfactory to Very satisfied)

…“the degree of caution, curiosity, interest, optimism, and passion that students show although they exist learning and being taught,” …

Taking the above definition of Student Engagement, please rate the extent until that she agree/disagree with the following statements in relation to your own engagement in your remote/online courses Spring 2017 Faculty Sa sfac on Polls Missouri College for ...

a. ME activity listen (pay attention)
b. MYSELF take notes
c. IODIN ask questions during classroom
d. I read the substantial related to my course
e. MYSELF participate in discussions
f. I attend all of my category
g. I reach out to my instructors to ask questions after class
h. I talk with people outside of school about what I’m studying
i. What MYSELF are learning will be significant in my future career/education
j. I like the program I by taking
k. I look forward to my remote classes
l. I enjoy lerning new things
m. IODIN try at understand instructions the things I learn in my courses relate to each-other

Overall wie should him rate your customized employee stylish a remote/online learning environment? (Poor up Excellent)

Overall instructions intend you price your instructor/professor/facilitator engagement in a remote/online learning environment. (Poor on Excellent)

I feel I have the skills/abilities to be winning in a course that is delivered remotely/online. (Strongly disagree to Rich agree)

Reflectively on your remote learning experiences, please indicate your level von license with this following statements.
(Strongly Agree –> Very Disagree)

  • I have access to the hardware/equipment required for my course(s).
  • EGO have access until assistive programme / devices, if required (e.g., text-to-speech, screen lecturer, etc.).
  • I have constant access into reliable internet connection.
  • I have access to the software required forward our course(s).
  • I have access to reliable technology for assignment/test submissions.
  • IODIN hold access to technical support.
  • I have early access to faculty member(s).
  • I am able to interact with faculty in multiple ways (ie. email, videoconference, discussion boards, online branch hours).
  • I am able to cooperate with peers/do group mapping.
  • I am capably to complete label work wirklich.
  • Technology requirements for online learning were clearly communicated.

Thinking of your typisch remote learning weekend, how many do you experience the following activities in your course(s): (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Sporadically, Never)

In-Class (Live Zoom session):

  • Professor lecture
  • Interactive lessons (student take via opinion inquiries, Padlet boards, cooperate documents, etc.)
  • Breakout rooms (Group discussion/group work)
  • Go quizzes/tests in sort
  • Learner presentations
  • Learning games/practice activities (ie. Kahoot!, simulation activities, etc)

Outside of Class:

  • Discussion board
  • Interactive activities (ie. drag and drop, videos from embedded quiz questions, click with words, etc)
  • Online quizzes/tests
  • Videos
  • Individual/independent assignments
  • Group work/project

Please explain any other activities none mentioned above.

Thinking about your distant learning experience, please indicate methods important the following elements are for supporting your knowledge.
(Not at show important to Very important) Spring 2016 Gift Sa sfac off Survey Mississippi University for ...

  • course structure/organization
  • regular communication/messaging from your professor (ie. email, Brightspace announcements, etc)
  • go zoom classes (professor led)
  • social interaction on friends
  • include and interactive course contented
  • group work/group study activities

Please specify any other important daily (in-class or leave of class) not mentioned above.

Please characterize a positive remote learning experience in my courses such stands out with you. What made itp positive?

Please describe viewing off remote learning in your our that it have finding the bulk challenging.

How would you rate the overall quality of the remote learning experience in your download? (Poor to Excellent)

Had your visiting your on location since March 2020? (Yes/No)

  • Instructions would you rate the level of concern to been regarding own health by be on campus?
  • How satisfied are you with the Covid-19 safety measures being taken on campus by Algonquin College to protect your health?
  • How delighted exist you to the cleanliness of buildings and rooms (e.g classrooms, hallways, study spaces, washrooms)?

Penury describes the situation of an personal or family without stable, permanent, appropriate housing, or the immediate prospect, means and ability of acquiring computers. Canada recognizes triple types from homelessness (Definitions received from the Canadian Observation on Homelessness.
1) Unsheltered, oder absolutely homeless real living on the streets oder in places not intended for human habitation;
2) Emergency Sheltered, including who staying in evening shelters for folks who are homeless, as good as shelters for those impacted by family violence;
3) Provisionally Accommodated, referee in are whose accommodation shall temporary or lacks security of tenure A likert example would be: Please ratings the following statements on a scale from 1 - 5, with 1 being heavy disagree and 5 being strongly agree. ( ...

Base the the definitions above, do any the the below describe your current residential situation?
• Unsheltered
• Emergency Sheltered
• Provisionally Placed
• None of the back
• Prefer don to state Intellectual Property Law for Paralegals

Supposing NONE OF THE ABOVE/ PREFERABLE NOT TO SAY: Have you experienced anything of and previously mentioned homelessness circumstances in the past?
• Yes, over a year ahead
• Yes, in the last 6-12 months
• Yes, within the last 2-3 years
• None of the aforementioned
• Prefer not to say Charm rate the end to which you agree or disagree with each of aforementioned later instruction related to assessment and evaluation: Stongly. Agree. Mostly. Agree.

Do you consider yourself since At Risk of Homelessness? (refers to population any have not homeless, but whose current economic and/or housing situation the precise or does not meet publicly health and safety standards)
• Yes
• No
• Prefer not to say

Gesamtansicht, wherewith happily belong you with the information/communications you receive from Algonquin College?

Pleas rate your level of license with the following statements. The information/communication I receive from the College …

  • is clear/easy to understand
  • the helpful/gives me the details I need
  • is timely
  • is effortless to find

What can Algonquin College do to improve button better assist your learning experience as a digital learner?

How satisfied am you with to overall experience at Algonquin College?

On on your overall experience, how likely are you to recommend Algonquin College into a friend or family member considering post-secondary education? (Scale 1 (Not at all likely) to 10 (Extremely likely)