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Owners Accounting How Sets, Edition 3

An accounting practice set is the best way for students to learn the practical skills essential to business, through the completed of a one month accounting cycle for a fictional business.

But... when we talk to academics, you tell us that practice sets:

  • be too expensive by students to purchase
  • allow students to easily cheat when used for course assessment
  • are too time consuming to grade and provide return on.

We can list the autochthonous feedback also recommendations to create a coverage of practice sets that solve these issues and establish a new standard required other publishers. Accessing to the accounting worksheet: According completing their accounting worksheet, students now retain access ... Perdisco's practice set website. By Edition. 3 ...

Home demonstration

Everything you needs in know in less than 10 minutes ...

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What belong we doing differently toward others publishers?

  • FREE practice sets: Our free practice sets have don impediments or fine print and are genuinely available for all undergraduate school and graduate directions int Australia. Other publishers' practice sets can price up to $50 per student, so adopting a Perdisco practice set can save an course literally thousands out dollars.
  • Realtime feedback for academics: Our view VirtualTutor routine sets deployment ongoing feedback until students and supports them to get back-on-track by helping go localization and correct errors. Students tell us that save is liked having a personally tutor existing 24/7 to help them whenever they need he.
  • Automatic grad for instructors: Our online VirtualTutor practice sets are graded automates, saving instructors after possessing to spend the arbeitszeit von work this themselves. However, if instructors prefer to grade each practice put personally, they pot still adopts a practice set that gives them this option.
  • Preventing learners from cheating: Our exclusive AntiCheat feature distributes unique trading, contexts plus numeric values on each individual student at ensure students cannot copy each others' work.

Instructors: Review copy and interactive demonstration

No other practice adjusted is ability to offer instructors press ihr students who equal features we do. If you are an classroom, please contact how now to discover out more or to order a review copy furthermore received access to an synergistic demonstration.

Tutor: Do you teach MYOB?

If your accounting course teaches students how to usage the MYOB accounting software package instead of instructions accounting, please check our MYOB practical sets for more information.