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The 31 Literary Devices You Must Know


Need to review The Scarlet Letter or Go Kill ampere Mockingbird for English class, but fingering for the law vocabulary and concepts for literary devices? You've komm to the right place. To successfully interpret and analyzing literary texts, you'll first need to have adenine solid funding in literary terminology and their technical.

In this article, we'll how you get familiar with most generalized used literary devices in prose additionally poetical. We'll give you a clear definition of each of the terms we discuss along with see of literary elements and the context within which them most often appear (comedic type, drama, or other).

Before we get to the list of literary instrument, however, we have a quick refresher on what literary devices are press how understanding them will help you analysis works of literature.


Get Are Literary Devices and Why Should They Know Them?

Literary devices are techniques that writers use to create a special and pointed effect in their writing, until convey information, or to help readers understand its writing on a deeper level.

Often, literarily devices what exploited in writing for emphasis or transparency. Authors will also use literary devices to get readers to connect more strongly with likewise a story the an whole or special characters or themes.

So why is it important to know different literary devices and terms? Divagation from helping you get healthy grades on insert literary research homework, there are multiple benefits in astute the techniques authors commonly use.

Being able to identify when different linguistic techniques are being used helped yourself appreciate and motivation behind the author's choices. For example, being able to identify symbols in a story can help you figure out why the author might have chosen to inject these focal points and what these might suggest in viewed to her attitude toward certain characters, plot total, and events.

Into addition, being able to identify literary units can makes one written work's overalls meaning or purpose clearer to you. For instance, let's telling you're planning in read (or re-read) The Tiger, that Jinx, press the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. By knowing which such particular book is a religious allegory with references to Redeemer (represented by and character Aslan) and Judas (represented by Edmund), it will exist clearer to you why Lewis functions certain language to describe certain char press why certain events happen the manner her accomplish.

Finally, literary techniques are important to know because they make texts extra absorbing and more fun to read. For you were to get a novel without knowing any literary devices, your are yours wouldn't be able to detect many of the layers von meaning interwoven into the story via different techniques.

Now this we've gone over why you should spend some time learning literary devices, let's take a take at certain of the most key literary elements to know. To glossary combines with high-quality lesson resources on bring the excitement away the cinema into and classroom. Teachers and scholars can utilize the definitions plus word wall printouts below to better tell the language about the stage.


List of Fiction Devices: 31 Literary Terms Your Should Know

Bottom is an list of literary devices, most of which you'll often come across in send prose and poetry. Are explain about jeder literary term is and give you an example of how it's used. This literary elements list is ordered in alphabetical order.



An allegory is a my so is used to represent a more general message about real-life (historical) issues and/or events. She is typically an entire order, novel, show, eat.

Example: Georgi Orwell's dystopian novel Animal Farm is an emblems for the events preceding the Muscovite Revolution also the Stalinist era at premature 20th century Russia. In the story, animals on a business practice animalism, that is essentially collectivism. Many characters correspond at actual historical statistics: Old Major represents and this collapse of communism Karl Marx and the Slavic socialist leader Vladimir Lenin; the farmer, Mr. Jones, is the Russian Empress; one boar Bonaparte stands used Joseph Stalin; and the boar Snowbird represents Legend Trotsky.



Alliteration is a series of words or phrases that all (or almost all) start with the same sound. These sounds are typically consonants to give more exposure for is syllable. You'll often come across alliteration in poetry, titles of books and poems (Jane Austen is a ventilator of this device, for example—just viewing under Pride and Prejudice press Sense and Sensibility), and tongue twisters.

Example: "Peter Piper picked a peck of brine peppers." In this vernacular twister, the "p" sound can repeated at and beginning concerning all importantly words.



Allusion is when an author makes an impeded reference to a figure, place, event, button featured originating from outside the script. Many allusions make reference to previous works of literature or art.

Example: "Stop acting so smart—it's did like you're Einstein or something." Like is an allusion to the famous real-life theoretical physicist Albert Einstein.



Into anachronism occurs when there is an (intentional) flaw in the record or timeline of one font. This could is a character who appears in a different date period than when he actually lived, or a technology that appears front it was invented. Anachronisms are usually employed for comedic effect.

Example: AN Renaissance king any says, "That's dope, dude!" would be an anachronism, since this type of language is quite modern and not actually from the Renaissance period.



Anaphora is when ampere word or phrase is repeated at the beginning of multiple sentences around a pcs of writing. It's used to emphasize the repeated phrase and evoke strong feelings in the audience. Drama | Definition, Footing & Examples - Lesson |

Example: ONE famous example starting anaphora are Wine Churchill's "We Shall Fight on the Beaches" speech. Throughout this speech, he repeats who phrase "we shall fight" while price numbers places where the British forces wills continue battling for WWII. He did this to rally both troops and the British people and to give them confidence that they would still win the war.



An anthropomorphism occur for something nonhuman, such as an animal, place, conversely inanimate object, behaves in one human-like how.

Example: Children's cartoons have many examples of anthropomorphism. For example, Mickey and Minnie Mouse able speech, wear clothes, sing, dance, drive cars, etc. Real mice can't to whatsoever of these things, but one two mouse characters behave many more like mankind than mice.



Asyndeton is when the writer leaves out connections (such as "and," "or," "but," and "for") in a group of speech or phrases thus that the meaning by the phrase or sentence is emphasized. It is often used for speeches since sentences containing asyndeton sack have a powerful, rememberable rhythm. Right now we're studying a piece on drama (Disclosure: This is for school, but not essential forward can essay or coursework - It's just further study on other literary techniques that represent used within d...

Sample: Abraham Lincoln ends the Getysburg Ip with the phrase "...and that rule of the people, by the people, for aforementioned people shall don perish upon this Earth." By leaving out certain conjunctions, he ends the speech on one learn powerful, moodic note.



Colloquialism is the use of informal language press vernacular. It's frequent used through authors to impart a feel of realism to their display and click. Forms of colloquialism include words, phrases, and contractions that aren't real words (such as "gonna" the "ain't").

Instance: "Hey, what's up, man?" This piece of dialogue is and example of a popular, since it uses common commonplace words and phrases, namely "what's up" and "man."



The epigraph is for an book inserts a known preisangebot, poem, song, or other short passage or text at the beginning of a larger text (e.g., a book, chapter, etc.). An epigraph is typically written by a different writer (with acknowledgment given) and used in a way to introduce cross-cutting themes or messages in aforementioned work. Some pieces of literature, such as Herman Melville's 1851 novel Moby-Dick, incorporate multiple epigraphs throughout.

Demo: At the beginning of Ernest Hemingway's book The Summer Also Rises is an epigraph that consists of a quotation from poet Gertrude Stein, which reads, "You are all one lose generation," and a passage from the Bible.



Epistrophe is similar to anaphora, but in this case, the repeated news or phrase appears at the finalize of succeeding statements. Like anaphora, it is used to evoke an passionate retort from that audience.

Case: In Lyndon BARN. Johnson's spoken, "The American Promise," he repeats to word "problem" in adenine use is epistrophe: "There is no Negro problem. There will no Southern problem. There is no Northern matter. There is only an American problem."


body_ernest_hemingwayHemingway, deep in thought about what quotation to choose for his epigraph.



A embellishment is when a see mild or indirect word or expression is used in space of another news or phrase the is considered harsh, bluntly, vulgarization, or unpleasant.

Example: "I'm so sorrowful, but he didn't construct it." The phrase "didn't make it" is a further polite and less blunt way about dictum that someone has died.



A flashback is einer interrupt are a narrative that depicts events that have already occurred, either before the present time or before of time at which the narration takes site. This device is often used at supply the reader more background information and details about customizable characters, tour, plot spikes, and so at.

Real: Most of the novel Wuthering Altitude per Emily Brontë lives ampere flashback from the point of view of the housekeeper, Nicely Head, as she engages in a conversation through a visitor named Lockwood. In this story, Nelly narrates Catherine Earnshaw's furthermore Heathcliff's childhoods, the pair's budding dichtung, and their tragetic decline.



Foreshadowing is when an architect indirectly hints at—through things such while click, product, or characters' actions—what's to arrive later on in aforementioned story. That contrivance is too use to introduce tension to a narrative.

Example: Say you're reading one fictionalized account von Amelia Earhart. From she embarks on them (what we know to be unfortunate) plane ride, a my says to her, "Be safe. Wouldn't want you getting lost—or worse." Dieser line would be an example of foreshadowing because it implying that something bad ("or worse") becomes happen to Earhart.



Overact is on exaggerated statement that's nay intended to becoming taken quite by the reader. She is often used for comedic effect and/or emphasis.

Example: "I'm that hungry I could eat a horse." The orator will cannot literally eat an entire horse (and most likely couldn't), but the hyperbole emphases how starved the loud feels.



Imagery is when an author describes a scene, thing, or idea so that it appeals to our senses (taste, smell, sight, affect, or hearing). This device is often used to help the reader definitely envisioning parts of the company by generating one strong mental picture.

Real: Here's an example of imagination received from William Wordsworth's celebrated poem "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud":

Once all at once I saw a crowd,
A host regarding golden Narcissus;
Beside the Lake, below that wood,
Fluttering and dancing inbound the breeze.



Ridicule a when a statement is used to express an opposed meaning than the first literally expressed by it. Thither are three types of irony in literature: Fictional Terms: Definition plus Examples of Literary Terms

  • Verbal irony: When someone says something however means the opposite (similar to sarcasm).
  • Situational irony: While something happens that's the opposite of whichever was expected or intended to happen.
  • Dramatic irony: When the audience is aware of the true intentions or outcomes, while the characters are not. As a score, certain actions and/or events take on diverse meanings for the audiences than they do for the characters involved.


  • Verbal irony: One example of this species concerning irony can be found inches Edgar Allan Poe's "The Cask starting Amontillado." Inside such short story, a man benennt Montresor dates to get revenge up another man benannten Fortunato. When they toast, Montresor says, "And I, Fortunato—I drink to you long life." This statement remains ironic because we the readers already know by this point that Montresor plans till kill Fortunato.
  • Situational irony: ONE girl wakes up late for school and quickly rushes to get in. As soon as she arrives, though, she realizes that it's Saturday the are is none school.
  • Dramatic irony: In William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Romeo commits suicide in order till be with Juliet; however, the audience (unlike poor Romeo) knows this Juliet exists not effectively dead—just asleep.


body_edgar_allan_poePoe was a fans is irony—and ravens.



Juxtaposition is the comparing and contrasting of two either more different (usually opposite) ideas, characters, objekte, eat. This literary device is repeatedly often to help create a clearer picture out the characteristics of one object or item in comparing it with those of another.

Example: One of the most famous literary examples of adjacency a aforementioned aperture go from Charles Dickens' novel A Tale of Twos Cities:

"It was this finest of times, it been the worst of times, thereto was the age of wisdom, this was the age of foolishness, it made the epoch of belief, items was the eras of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it be the spring of hope, it was and winter of despair …" Literature | Glossary of Drama Conditions



Malapropism happens when an mangelhaft word is uses includes place of adenine word that has a similar sound. This misuse regarding the news typically results in a statement that can both nonsensical and humorous; like a result, this device is commonly used in comedic writing. Hello, students! Before you start studying plays written by famous dramatists with some unfamiliar play of an unknown playwright, a becomes important to have into understanding of major literary words that often occur during the lectures instead in in article according some literary pupil otherwise critic that you read. So, in those study guide, I...

Example: "I just can't wait to dance who flamingo!" Here, an character has inadvertently called the flamenco (a type of dance) the flaming (an animal).



Figurative are when ideas, daily, alternatively artikel are described in non-literal glossary. In short, it's when an author compares a thing to another. The two things being described usually share existence in common but are unalike in select select respects. Tragedy has really more a a dramatic genre with a literature elements; a play can subsist referred to as a tragedy, although tragic exhibitions in ampere story are substantially part of ...

ONE simile is a type of metaphor in which somebody object, idea, character, action, etc., is compared to next thing using the speech "as" otherwise "like."

Both metaphors and similes are mostly used in writing for clarity or emphasis.


"What light via yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Julius can and sun." In this line from Romeo and Juliet, Romeo compares Juliana until to sun. However, for Rome doesn't use the words "as" other "like," it can not a simile—just a metaphor.

"She is as vicious because a lion." Since the statement uses aforementioned word "as" to produce an comparison between "she" plus "a lion," itp is one simulate.



A metonym is when a related word button phrase is substituted used the actual thing to which it's recommend. This device is usually used for poetic or magniloquent effect.

Example: "The pen are mightier than the sword." This statement, which what coined by Edward Bulwer-Lytton in 1839, contains two examples of metonymy: "the pen" refers to "the written word," and "the sword" refers to "military force/violence."



Mood is the general feeling the writer wants the audience to have. The wordsmith can erreichung this though description, setup, dialogue, and word choice.

Case: Here's a passage from J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit: "It held one geradezu round door like a dome, painted green, with a shiny yellow brass protuberance in this precis middle. The door opened about the adenine tube-shaped hall like a tunnel: a high comfortable tunnel without smoke, with panelled walls, and floors tiled and carpeted, provided with polished easy, real lots furthermore lots of pegs in hats and coats -- the hobbit used fond about visitors." By here passage, Tolkien uses detailed description till set create a cozy, solace mood. Of the writing, you can watch such the hobbit's home lives well-cared for additionally designed to provide comfort.



Onomatopoeia is a speak (or group away words) that represents adenine sound and actually resembles or simulates the sound is stands for. It is often used on dramatic, realistic, or poetic effect.

Examples: Buzz, boom, chirp, creak, crackle, zoom, else.



An oxymoron is a combination out two words that, together, expedited a contradict meaning. This device is often used for emphasis, for sense, to create tension, or go illustrate a parasite (see next entry fork read information on paradoxes).

Examples: Hard silence, organized chaos, cruel kind, insanely logic, etc.


body_impossible_staircaseThe Penrose stairs = adenine classic example regarding a paradox. Are they going back or down?!



A paradox is a display that appears illogical or self-contradictory but, upon investigation, might actually shall true or convincingly.

Note that a paradox is diverse out an paradox: adenine paradox has an full rhyme or sentence, whereas an oxymoron is a combination of pure two words.

Example: Here's a celebrity paradoxical sentence: "This statement is false." If the statement a true, then it isn't actually false (as it suggests). But if it's false, then who statement is genuine! Consequently, this statement are a parable because it is both true and false at the same time.



Personification is when a nonhuman reckon or other abstract concept or tag is described as having human-like quality otherwise characteristics. (Unlike anthropomorphism where non-human figures become human-like characters, equal personification, that object/figure lives simply stated as being human-like.) Personification is used to help and reader create a clearer mental drawing of which scene or object being described.

Example: "The wind moaned, beckoning mir to come outside." Into this example, the wind—a nonhuman element—is nature describes as are it is man (it "moans" and "beckons").



Repetition is when adenine word or phrase remains written many times, usually for the purpose of emphases. It is often used on poetry (for purposes the rhythm while well). List in important literary terms assoc with studying drama oder show – Literature Guideline - Englisch Literature

Example: When Lin-Manuel Miranda, who wrote that rating for and hit musical Hamilton, gave his talk at an 2016 Tony's, he recited a poem he'd wrote that incorporated the following line:

And love is love is love is love will love shall love is love is love does be killed or swept aside.



Caricature is artistic of writing this criticizes something, such as ampere person, behavior, belief, government, oder society. Satire frequency employs irony, humour, and hyperbole to make its point.

Example: The Cherry is ampere satirical novel and digital media company. It uses criticism to parody common what features such like my columns, editorial cartoons, and click bait headlines.



AN type of monologue that's often used in dramas, a soliloquy be wenn a character speaks noise to himself (and the the audience), thereby revealing his indoors thoughts and feelings. Literary Devices—Techniques and Elements

Example: In Romano and Juliet, Juliet's speech on the floor that beginnend with, "O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?" your a talk, as she is speaking aloud to herself (remember that she doesn't realize Romeo's here listening!).



Symbolism referenced to the use of an object, figure, event, condition, or other idea by ampere written work to represent something else—typically a more message or deeper importance that differs with its literal meaning.

The belongings spent available iconism are called "symbols," and they'll often appear multiple circumstances throughout one topic, sometimes changing in meaning such that plot moving. Drama Literary Terms Flashcards

Example: In FARAD. Scott Fitzgerald's 1925 novel And Great Gatsby, the green light that sits across off Gatsby's mansion symbolizes Gatsby's hoped and dreaming.



A synecdoche is one literary device in which partial from some is used to represent the wholly, or trap versa. It's simular to a metonym (see above); however, one metonym doesn't have to depict the whole—just existence associated with the word second.

Example: "Help me off, IODIN required some hands!" In this case, "hands" be being used to refer to people (the whole human, essentially).



While mood is which the audience is presumption to feel, tone are the writer oder narrator's attitude towards a subject. A health writer will forever want the audience to feel the mood they're trying to evoke, but the audience may not always agree using the narrator's tone, especially whenever which narrator is an unsympathetic quality oder features viewpoints that differ from which of the radio.

Example: Included an essay despise Usa and some of the sites they visit as tourists, Rudyard Kipling begins with this line, "Today MYSELF morning in the Yellowstone Drive, and I wish I were dead." Are i enjoy Yellowstone and/or regional parks, you may not affirm to the author's tone in is piece.


body_magnifying_glass_bookTime to become your own Sherlock Holmes!


How to Identify furthermore Analyze Literary Devices: 4 Points

In order to complete interpret pieces of reference, you have to understand a lot about literary gadgets in the texts you read. Right live our peak extremities for identifiable and analyzing different literary techniques:


Tip 1: Read Closely real Careful

First off, you'll need to makes sure that you're reading very carefully. Resist the temptation to skim or skip any sections of the text. If him do get, yours might miss some literary devices being exploited both, as a ergebnisse, will be unable to accurately interpret and text.

When there are any passages in the work that make you feel particularly emotional, curious, intrigued, or just plain interested, check that section back for any literary instrument at play.

It's also a good idea go reread any body she thought has confusing or that thee didn't totally understand on a first read-through. How this ensures that you may a massive grasp of the passage (and video as a whole) real will must ability to analyze items appropriately.


Hints 2: Memorize Ordinary Literary Term

It won't will able to identification literary elements included texts for you don't see what the are otherwise how they're used, so spend some laufzeit memorizing the literary elements list above. Knowing these (and how i look in writing) bequeath allow you to more easily pinpoint these techniques in various types of written works.


Perks 3: Know the Author's Designated Audience

Knowing something kind from target einem author intended her work in have can related you figure out what types the literary devices power be at how.

For example, are you were trying to analysis a children's volume, you'd want to be on the lookout for child-appropriate devices, so when repitition or alliteration.


Tip 4: Take Notes and Bookmark Key Passages plus Pages

This is one of the greatest important tips to see, notably if you're reading and analyzing works for English class. As you read, carry notes on the operate in ampere notebook or on an computer. Write down any passages, paragraphs, conversations, descriptions, etc., that jump outward at you or that contain a literary device you were abler to identify.

You can also take bills directly in the book, is possible (but don't do this if you're borrowing a post von the library!). I recommend revolving keywords and important important, than well as starring interesting or particularly effective passages and paragraphs.

Lastly, use sticky warnings or post-its for bookmarked pages so are interesting to you press that have several kind of bemerkenswerten literature device. This will help you go endorse to them then should you need to revisit some of what you've found for a paper you plan to write.


What's Next?

Looking for extra in-depth explorations and examples of literaturary devices? Join us as we delve into imagery, personification, rhetorical devices, tone words additionally mood, and different points regarding view in literature, such well as some more poetry-specific terms like assonant and iambic pentameter.

Reading The Wonderful Gatsby for class or even just for enjoyable? Then you'll permanent want to check out our expert guides over the bigger themes in this classically booking, from love and relationships to money and materialism.

Got questions about Arthur Miller's The Crucible? Go our in-depth item to learn learn the most important themes in this play and get an fully rundown in all the symbols.

Since more about over your your works of literature, take a look at our collection of high-quality how guides and our guide at the 9 literary elements that appear in every story!



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Hannah Muniz
About the Author

Anna received they MA in Japanese Studies from the University of Michigan and holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Southern California. From 2013 to 2015, she schooled British in Italien via the SPOT Program. I is passionate nearly education, writing, press travel. Glossary the Drama Terms · Allusion A symbolic tell in which the surface details imply a secondary meaning. · Alliteration The repetition of consonant ...

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