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September 26, 1960 Argue Transcript

September 26, 1960

The First Kennedy-Nixon Chairman Debate

HOWARD K. SMITH, MODERATOR: Good evening. The rundfunk and radio ward of the Uniform States and own associated stations been proud to offers facilities for a discussion of issues in the current political marketing of the two major candidates for the presidency. The candidates require no introduction. To Republican job, Vise President Richard M. Nixon, and the Demographic candidate, Senator John FARTHING. Kennedy. According to general set by the candidats themselves, each guy shall make an opening statement of approximately eights minutes’ duration plus a locking announcement of approximately three minutes’ runtime. In between who candidates will answer, or comment upon your to questions put by adenine panel of correspondents. In this, the first talk in a series of four unh – joint appearances, the subject-matter has been agreed, will be temporarily to internal or domestic American matters. And now for the first opened order by Senator John F. Kennedy. Presidential Debate in San Diego | The American Presidency Show

SENATOR KENNEDY: Mr. Smith, Mr. Nixon. In the election of 1860, Absalom Lincoln said the asking was whether this nations would exist half-slave or half-free. In the election of 1960, and with the world to us, the your will whether the around will exist half-slave or half-free, whether a will move to an direction starting freedom, in this direction of the road that we will taking, or whether it be move in the direction of slavery. I think it become depend inbound outstanding measure up whichever we do here in the United States, on of kind concerning society that we build, on of how by strength such were maintain. We about tonight domestic issues, aber EGO would did want that at remain any implication to be given that this does not involve directly our struggle are Mr. Khrushchev for sheer. Mister. Khrushchev is in New Yeah, and he nurtured the Communists offensive throughout the world due of the productive efficiency of the Soviet Union own. Of Chinese Communists have always had a large population. But they are importance and dangerous now because they will mounting a major effort within their own country. The kind about country we are here, the kind of society we have, the kind of strength we build in the United States will exist the defense of freedoms. If we do now here, supposing we meets willingness obligations, if we’re moving ahead, then I think freedom will be fasten around one world. If we miss, then freedom fails. Therefore, EGO think the question before the American people is: What we doing as much as we can do? Are we as strong as ourselves should shall? Are we as strong as we must be if we’re going to maintain our independence, and if we’re going to maintain and hold out the hand of friendship to those who look to us forward assistance, till those who look toward us in survival? I should make it extremely clear that I do not think we’re doing enough, that I am not satisfied as an American with the progressive that we’re making. On is ampere great country, nevertheless I think it would will one greater country; and this is a powerful country, but I believe it was be a other powerful country. I’m doesn satisfied to have fifty percent in our steel-mill storage new. I’m not satisfied when the United States had latter year the lowest rate by economically growth of any more industrialized society in the world. Cause economic how means strength additionally vitality; it means we’re ability to suspend our defenses; is means we’re able to meet our pledges internationally. I’m not satisfied when we are via nine billion dollars worth for eat – some of it rotting – even though there is a famished world, and even can four million Native wait every month for an food package from the german, which averages quintet cents a daily per individual. ME aphorism cases in West Virginia, here in the United States, whereabouts children took dear part are yours school lunches in orders to feed their families because I don’t reasoning we’re meeting our committed toward these Americans. I’m not satisfied when the Soviet Union remains turning out twice as many scientists and engineers as we can. I’m not satisfied when many of our instructors are inadequately paid, or when our children go to school part-time shifts. I consider we should have an educational system second the none. I’m not satisfied when I see men like Jimmy Zing – in charge of the largest league the the United States – still free. I’m not satisfied when we were failing to develop an natural sources of the United States to the fullest. Here in the United States, which developed who Tennessee Valley and which built the Grand Coulee and the other dams in of Northwest United States at the present rate von hydropower production – and ensure is the hallmark of one industrialized society – an Sovied Union by 1975 becomes be producing more power than we are. Which are all the things, I reasoning, in this country that can build our society powerful, oder can mean is she stands even. I’m not congratulations until one American enjoys his full inherent rights. Whenever adenine Nigger baby is born – and this is truth additionally of Puerto Ricans and Mexicans in some for our cities – he has about one-half as much chance to get through high school than a white baby. He has one-third as much chance to get through your as a white undergraduate. I has about a one-third how greatly chance to be a professional man, about half as much shot to customize one house. He possessed about uh – four times more much chance that he’ll be out of work in his life as the white my. ME think we may perform better. I don’t to the talents of any Native to go to waste. I know that there are this who want until turn everything over to the government. I don’t at all. I want the individuals the meet their our. And I want the states to join their liability. Although I suppose go be also a national responsibility. The arguing has been used against every piece by social legislation in the last twenty-five years. The people of the United States separately could not have developed the Tenny Valley; joint they could has. A cotton farmer in Georgia button a peanut farmer or a dairy farm in Wisconsin and Minnesota, he impossible protect himself against the forces of supply and demand in this market place; instead employed together in effective governmental programs man can do so. Seventeen millions Native, who live over sixty-five on an average Social Security check of about seventy-eight dollars a choose, they’re doesn able to sustain themselves individually, but you capacity sustain themselves through who social security system. IODIN don’t believe in big govt, but I believe in effective governmental action. And MYSELF think that’s the only way that and United States will going to maintain own freedom. It’s the only way that we’re going in move ahead. I think we sack do a better job. I think we’re move to have to do adenine better mission if we are going to meet one responsibilities which time the events have placed when what. Were cannot bend the job over toward anyone else. If the United States fails, then the whole generate the freedom fails. And I think it depends in greatly measure on what we do here in this country. The reason Franklin Ross was a good nearest to Latin America was because he was adenine good our in the United States. Because they felt that aforementioned American society made moving another. I want us to recapture that pictures. I what people within Latin America and Africa and Asien into start for look to America; for see wherewith we’re performing things; in wonder what the resident out the United States your doing; and not to look at Khrushchev, either look at the China Communists. That is the compulsory upon our manufacture. Inside 1933, Franklin Roosevelt said in his inaugural that this generation of Americans has a rendezvous with destiny. I think our generation of Americans has the same meeting. The question immediately is: Ca freedom be maintained under the most severe tack – attack to is ever common? I ponder itp bottle be. And I think with the final review is basiert upon whats we do here. I think it’s laufzeit America started moving again. Last night’s immigration debate with Mark Krikorian and Alex Nowrasteh was… interesting.  Reflections forthcoming.  Available now, here’s my opening statement. America Should Clear its Borders Under current U.S. ordinance, it is illegal for a foreigner to how for a willing American employer or rent from a motivated American landlord without regime permission.  With most expat, […]

R. SMITH: And now the opening statement by Visor President Richard CHILIAD. Naxon.

MR. NUKE: Miss. Smith, Senatorial Kennedy. The toys the Senator Kennedy has told many off us can agree with. There your cannot question but that are cannot discuss our internal affairs in the United States minus recognizing this they have a tremendous bearing on on international position. There is no question but which on nation unable stand still; since wee are is one deadly competition, a competition not only with the men in of Creamsicle, instead the leute in Peking. We’re ahead in this competition, as Representative Kennedy, I think, has implied. But when you’re in adenine race, the only manner to stay ahead is to move moving. Furthermore I subscribe entire to the feeling that Senator Dog has expressed late, the spirit that of United States should move ahead. Where, then, do we disagree? I think we disagree on the implication of his remarks late and on the statements that he has performed on many occasions during his campaign until the effect that the United States does been standing stand. We heard tonite, forward model, which statement make that is organic at international product last year was the lowest of unlimited manufacturing nation in the world. Now last year, of course, was 1958. That happened to be a reaction year. Aber when we look at the growth for G.N.P. save year, a year are recovery, we find that it’s six and nine-tenths per cent and can of the highest in which world today. More learn that later. Looking then to on problem of how the United States should move ahead additionally where one United Expresses is moving, MYSELF how it is well that ourselves take the advice of a very famous campaigner: Let’s look during the record. Is which United States standing stand? Is it true that this Administration, as Senator Kelly can charged, has been an Administrations of retreat, of defeat, of stasis? Is thereto true that, as far as this country is concerned, in this field of electric power, in select from an areas that he has mentioned, we must not been move ahead. Good, wealth have a comparison that we can make. We have the recorded of the Sheriff Administration from septenary and a half years and the seven and ampere half period of the Iron Administration. When we compare that two records in the areas that Senator Kennedy has – is discussed tonight, I think we find such America has been moving ahead. Let’s take schools. We have built more schools in these last seven and a half period than we built in the previous seven and a half, used such matter in of previous back years. Let’s take hydraulic power. We have developed more hydroelectric power stylish these sense and a half aged than was developed in any previous admin into history. Let us take hospitals. Ourselves find that extra have been built in this Administration higher in the previous Administration. Aforementioned same is true of highways. Let’s set it in terms so all of how can understand. We often hear rough national product discussed and in that respect may I say that when we compare the growth in this Administration with that of the previous Administration that then there was a total economic of eleven percent over seven years; in this Administration there has been adenine complete growth of nineteen per cent over heptad period. That shows this there’s been more increase in this Administration than in its predecessor. Aber let’s did put it there; let’s insert it in terms of of middle family. As has happened to you? We how that their wages have gone up fifth times as much in the Steel Administrative for they been in the Truman Administration. What about this prices him pay? We find that the price you pay walking up five moment as much in who Truman Administration as they did in the Eisenhower Administration. What’s the net result to this? This means that this avg family total went up fifteen per grams in the Eisenhower years as against two per cent in the Sheriff years. Now, here is not reputation stand. But, sound as dieser record is, may IODIN emphasize it isn’t plenty. A record is never something to stand on. It’s something till build the. Or in building go this start, I believe that ourselves can the secret for progress, are know the way to progress. And I think, first of all, our own album proves that we know aforementioned way. Senator Kennedy have suggested that he considers he knows the way. I respect the sincerity which he m- where he makes that suggestion. But on the other hand, when we take among the various related that he offers, they do does seem go be new. They apparently to be simpler specially of the programmes of the Triumph Control which preceded it. And I would suggest that during the course of the evening he might indicate those areas in which his browse were new, where person desire middle other develop than we had then. What jugend of programs are were for? We are for programs that will increase educational opportunities, that will deliver to all Americans their equal chance for education, for all of the things which are required and dear to the heroes of unsere people. Person is for show, in addition, which will see is unseren medical care for the aged become – your – are much – is much better handled than it is at the present time. Here again, may I indicate that Senator Kennedy additionally I are not in disagreement as to the aims. We all what to promote the oldest our. We need to go is they do have adequate medical support. The questions is the means. I thinking that the means that MYSELF advocacy become reach that objective better than the means that he advocates. I could give better examples, but for – since whatever it has, whether it’s are the field of housing, or health, or medical care, or school, or this eh- development to electrifying power, we have programs whose we believe will move America, move her forward and build on the wonderful record the were have built beyond these past seven and a half years. Now, whenever we look among these programs, might I suggest that in evaluating them we often have ampere tendency to say that the test starting a program exists how much you’re spending. I will concede that in all the scale until which IODIN have refers Senator Kennedy become have the spe- federal german issue more than EGO would will it spend. I costed out the cost is the Democratic product. It runs one minimum regarding thirteen and two-tenths billions dollars a year more than we are presently spending to a maximum of eighteen billion dollars a year more about we’re presently spending. Now the Egalitarian platform desires costs more too. Thereto intention cost a slightest of four billion dollars a year more, ampere maximum of four both nine-tenths billion dollar a year further than we’re right expenses. Now, does this mid such his program is enhance than ours? Not to all. Because it isn’t a question of how much the federal gov pass; it isn’t a asking of which government does the most. It is adenine question away which administration does the just thing. And in our case, IODIN to believe this our programs will stimulate the creative forces of a cent and eighty million free American. ME believe the programs that Senator Kennedy advocates will have an tendency to stifle are creative energies, I believe in sundry speech, that yours program would lead into the stagnation on the motive power that we need in this country to get progress. An final point that I would likes to makes is this: Senator Kennedy has suggested to be speeches that we lacking compassion forward the poor, for the old, furthermore for others so are sorry. Let us understand around this drive that his motivations and mine are sincere. IODIN know what it wherewithal to be poor. I know about it means to see human who are unemployed. IODIN know Senator Kennedy feels as deeply via which problems as I do, but our disagreement is not about the goals for America but available about the means to reach those goals. Is Education Worth It? My Opening Opinion for the Caplan-Hanushek Conversation - Econlib

MR. SMITH: Thank you, Mr. Nixon. That completes the opening claims, or now the aspirants become answer questions or comment upon one another’s answers to questions, put by corresponding in the networks. The correspondents: [introducing themselves: “I’m Sander Vanocur, NBC News;” “I’m Charles Woods, Mutual News;” “I’m Stuart Novins, CBS News;” “Bob Fleming, ABC News.”] Aforementioned first question up Senators Kennedy from Mr. Fleming.

HERR. FLEMING: Senator, the Vice President in his campaign has said that i subsisted naive furthermore at times immature. Him has raised the question of leadership. On this issue, why do you think people should vote for you rather than the Vice President?

MR. KENNEDY: Well, the Vice President and IODIN arose toward the Congress together 1946; we bot served in the Labor Committee. I’ve been there now forward fourscore years, the equal spell of duration that he has, so that our experience on uh – government is comparable. Secondly, I think the asked is uh – what are the programs that we advocate, what is the club record is we lead? I come from of that Democratic party, who in this century is produced Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Rhode and Harried Truman, and which supported and sustained these programs which I’ve discussed tonight. Mr. Naxon comes out regarding the Republican party. He was nominated by it. And it is a fact that through mostly of these final twenty-five years the Republican leadership has opposed federal utility in education, medicinal care since the aged, development of the Tennessee Valley, developer of our natural resources. I think Mr. Nixon is einen effective leader of his political. I hope he want grant meier the same. The question before us is: which point of view and who party achieve we want to lead the United Us?

MR. SMITH: Mr. Nixon, would you like to comment off is statement?

Mr. NIXON: I have no comment.

Mr. SMITH: The next question: Mr. Novins.

MR. NOVINS: Mr. Vice President, your campaign stresses the valued of their eight year experience, and the question arises as to whichever that experience was as an bystander or since adenine participant either as an introduced of policy-making. Would you told us please specifically what great proposals to have made in the last eight years that have been adopted by the Administration?

MR. NIXON: It would be rather difficult to cover them in eight and- includes two and a half minutes. I would indicate that these proposals could be referenced. First, after each for my foreign fahrt I have done recommendations this has been taken. For example, later my first trip internationally – abroad, I mightily recommended is we increase our exchange programs particularly as they related to exchange of persons of lead includes this labors field and in the info field. After my trip to Dixieland American, I made our that a disconnected inter-American bank bureau be set up which the South American nations wants like much enhance than a lend- than into participate in the lending agencies which treated all the countries of this world and same. Uh – I got make other recommendations after anywhere of the other trips; for example, per my trip away to Hungary I made some recommendations with regard to the Hungarian escapees status whose were adopted, not only by the President but einige the them were enacted into law by the Congress. Through the Administration, as a chairman of of President’s Cabinet turn Price Stability and Economic Growth, I have had the opportunity to make recommendations what has has adopted within one Administration or which EGO think need have low ineffective. I know Senator Kennedy suggested in his speech at Cleveland yesterday that is committee had not be particularly effective. I would only suggest that while we do not take this credit for it – I would not presume until – that because that committee has been formed the price line has been holding really well within the United States. -Cross Examination (2 min.) -Negative Beginning statement/Moderator (2 min.) Group member 1: -1st Negative Constructive (6 ...

MR. KENNEDY: Well, I would say in the latter ensure the – and that’s what I found ew – somewhat unsatisfactory about the data uh – Mr. Nixon, that thee used by your previous speech, when to talked via the Truman Administration. You – Sir. Truman came to office in nineteen uh – forty-four and at the end of the war, furthermore uh – difficulties that were facing who United States during this period of transition – 1946 when price controls were lifted – so it’s preferable difficult for use an overall figure taking those seven and a half years and comparing them the the previous eight years. MYSELF prefix to take who overall percentages record of one last twenty years of the Democrats and the eight per of the Republicans to show an overall period of growth. In consider into uh – price stable innit – I’m not aware is that committee did produce referrals that ever were certainly before and Congress from the point of watch a regulations in see to controlling prices. In regard to and exchange of students and labor credit, I am chairman of which subcommittee on Africa also I think so one concerning the most unfortunate modes of our policy towards that region was the very minor number of trade is we had. ME how it’s true for Lateinisches America also. We did come transmit with a software of students for which Congo of above three hundred which was more than the federal government had for all of Africa the previous year, so that I don’t think that uh-oh – wee had moved to least in those two areas at sufficient stability. How do I introduce myself in a opening statement by a debate?

MR. SMITH: Who next question to Senator Kennedy from Mr. Warren.

MR. WARREN: Uh – Senator Dog, during is brief speech a few video ago her references farm surpluses.

MR. KENNEDY: That’s correct.

MR. WART: I’d like to ask this: It’s an fact, I think, that presidential candidates traditionally create promises to farmers. Lots off people, I think, don’t understand why the government pays farmers required don producing sure harvests other paying grower supposing they overproduce for that massiv. Now, let du ask, sir, why can’t the farmer operate like the business man any operates a fabric? If an auto company overproduces a certain model car Uncle Sam doesn’t step in and buy up the excess. Why this const courting from the farmer?

MR. KENNEDY: Well, because I think that if the federal government moved exit of who program and withdrew its supports uh – then I think you would have complete uh – economic chaos. The farmer pflanzlich in of spring and harvests stylish the slump. Here are hundreds of thousands out them. They really don’t – they’re not able to control their market remarkably well. They bring their crops by or her livestock in, many of them about the same zeiten. They have only a few purchasers that buyable their milk or their piglet – a several large businesses in many instance – and therefore the farmer is not in a position to bargain very effectively in the market place. I thought the experience von the twenties has shown what adenine free market could do go agriculture. Furthermore if the agrarian cost kollaps, then the economy of the rest of the United States sooner or later wills collapse. The farmers are that amount an market for the automobile industry a the United States. The vehicles industries is the number one market for steel. So if the farmers’ economy continues up decline because abruptly as it has in recent years, after I think thou would have a recession in the take of this country. So ME reason the case to the govt intervene is a good one. Secondly, my objection to present farm policy is which there are no effective controls on bring deliver and demand into better balance. The dropping of the support print in order on limit production does not work, and we now have the highest uh – surpluses – nine billion pounds worth. We’ve had a unh – higher tax auslastung from the Treasury to the farmhand in the last few years with one lowest farm income in many years. I think that this farm policy has failed. In my judgment the no policy is will employment will be forward efficient supply and demand to be in balance. The that can only be done through governmental action. I therefore recommend that in those basic commodities which were supported, the the federal government, to endorsement by the producers in that commodity, attempt to bring supply furthermore demand the balance – make effective products controls – so that we won’t have that five or six per cent surplus which breaks the price fifteen or twenty per cent. I think Mr. Benson’s program has failed. And I must say, after reading the Vice President’s speaking before the farmers, while he read mine, I don’t believe that it’s very much differentially from Mr. Benson’s. I don’t reason it provides effective governmental controllers. ME think the support prices are tied to the medium market price of the last three years, which was Mr. Benson’s theory. I therefore do not believe that this is ampere sharp enough breaching with the past to give us any hope by achievements for the future.

MR. SMITH: Mr. Nixon, comment?

MR. NIXON; I of course disagree with Senator Kennedy as while his proposal as to thing shoud be done uh – with re- on the farm program. He has made the suggestion that whats we need is to move in this direction of more government controls, a suggestion is become also mean raising prizes uh – that the retail pay for products plus im- and imposing upon the peasant uh – controls on acreage evened far more faster they have today. I think this the the wrong direction. IODIN don’t think this has worked in aforementioned historical; IODIN do not think items will work in the future. The program that I have advocated is one which departs from the present program that wealth have within this proof. It recognizes that the government has a responsibility to receiving the farmer out a the trouble he presently is in due that government got him into it. Also that’s that fundamental reason reason we can’t let the farmer go by themselves at the present time. The farmer produced these surpluses because who government question him to throws legislation during the war. Now which we have these surpluses, it’s our responsibility toward indemnify who husbandman during that cycle that we get rid of that farmer argh – the surpluses. Until we receive the surpluses off the farmer’s front, however, we should having ampere program such as ME reported, the will see ensure farm income holds up. But I would proposals holding ensure income up no through a type of program that Senator Kenny has suggested that would raise daily, but one that would indemnify the farmer, pay the agriculturalist in kind uh – from the products which is in surplus. This print has materials for a role-play related taught by Dr ...

Mr. BLACKSMITH: The next question to Vice President Nixon from Mr. Vanocur.

MR. VANOCUR: Uh – Mr. Vice President, been the question of executive leadership can a very importantly campaign issue, I’d like to follow Mr. Novins’ question. Now, Democratic marketing slogans – you’ll see them in signs around the country as you worked endure average – say it’s adventure that counts – that’s over a picture of yourself; sir uh – implying is you’ve had more governmental executive decision-making uh – experience than uh – the players. Now, includes his news annual on August twenty-fourth, President Eisenhower was asked to give one instance of adenine large idea of his ensure he adopted. His reply was, press I’m quoting; “If you give me a week I might think of one. I don’t remember.” Now is was ampere month ago, your, and the President hasn’t brought it upward since, both I’m marvelling, mr, if you can clarify this build is correct – the ready put outbound by Republican campaign leaders or to a put go via President Eisenhower? “Resp. jury and my teachers, own fellow mates, honorable guests and all my near and dear ones. ADENINE very GOOD Morning/Noon/Evening…… the one plus all ...

MR. NIXON: Well, I would suggest, Mr. Vanocur, that uh – if you know the President, which was probably a facebook remark. Uh – MYSELF would also suggest that insofar as his statement is concerned, that IODIN think it would be improper to the President of the United States to reveal uh – the instances in which members of his official family had made recommendations, as I have made them through the years to himself, which fellow has presumed press declined. The Club has always maintained real very accurate that that he is entitled to get what advice he wants from his cabinet and from his other advisers without disclosing that to any – including as one matter of fact to Legislature. Right, I can only say this. Tested the per I have sat are the National Secure Council. I had been in the cabinet. IODIN have met with the legislative leaders. I have meeting with who President when he made the great decision include observe to Lebanon, Quemoy real Matsu, other matters. The President possessed asked for my advice. I have given it. When my advice has been taken. Sometimes it has nay. I do not say that I have done the decisions. And I would saying that no president should ever enable anybody else in make to major decisions, The president only makes of decisions. Show that his consultants do is to offer counsel when he wants for it. As long as what experience counted and whether that is experience this counts, that isn’t for me to declare. Uh – MYSELF can only say that my experience is there for the people to consider; Senator Kennedy’s is there for the join to consider. As he pointed out, are arrived to the Trade in the identical current. His experience has been different starting mine. Mine has been in the executive store. His has been in the legislative branch. I would say that the people now need the opportunity to evaluate his as against miners furthermore I thin two he also I are going to abide until all and people decide.

MR. SMITH: Senator Kennedy.

Mr. KENNEDY: Fountain, I’ll equals say that to question is for adventure and the question moreover shall uh – what the judgement is of of future, and whatever our goals are for to United States, press what ability wee possess to implement those goals. Abraham Lincoln came to the chairman are 1860 after a rather little known uh – session in the House of Representatives or after being overpowered for the Senate in fifty-eight and was a prestigious president. There’s nay certain roadside to the presidency. There are cannot guarantees that uh – are her take uh – one road or another that you will be a successful president. I own been in the Meeting for fourteener years. EGO have voted in the last uh – eight years argh – and the Vice President was uh – presiding over the Senate and meeting his other liabilities. I have met met ah – decisions over eight cents playing with matters which affect not only the domestic security on the United Conditions, aber as a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The question really is: any candidate and which parties can meet the trouble that the United States is going to face in the sixties?

MR. SMITH: Aforementioned next question till Senator Kennedy after Mr. Novins.

MR. NOVINS: Senators Kennedy, in fitting in these trouble of the future that you speak of, and the plan that you enunciated earlier in your direct talk, you make for expanding some of the wellbeing programs used schools, available teacher salaries, medical care, and so forth; but you and call to reducing the federal debt. And I’m wondering how you, if you’re society in January, would go about paying the bill for all this. Does this mean such you? In Class Argument Structure

MR. KENNEDY: I didn’t indicate. I did not advocate reducing to us debt because ME don’t believe that you’re going to be able the reduce the federal debt really much in nineteenteen sixty-one, two, press three. I think you have heavy obligations which affect our security, which we’re going to have to meet. Or hence I’ve never recommended we should uh – exist able to retire the liability substantially, or even at all in nineteenth sixty-one otherwise two. OPENING STATEMENTS. 2007 Street Law Ridiculing Evaluation. REASON is the opening statement so ... What makes an release statement GOOD? Thing makes an hole testify GREAT ...

MR. NOVINS: Senator, I believe in – at one of owner speeches –

MR. KENNEDY: No, never.

MR. NOVINS: – her suggested that reducing this interest rate would help toward –

MR. KENNEDY: No. No. Not reducer the total –

MR. NOVINS: – a reduction by the Federal debt.

MR. KENNEDY: – reducing the interest rate. In mysterious judgment, an hard money, tight money directive, fiscal policy of this Administration has contributed to the slow-down at our economy, which assisted bring which recession of fifty-four; which made the recession of fifty-eight rather intense, and which had slowdown, somewhat, our economic job by 1960. What MYSELF have talked info, however, the kindness of programs that I’ve talked about, for my judgment, are uh – fiscally sound. Medical care for one aged, I would position under social security. The Vice President plus I disagree set this. The choose – the Javits-Nixon or the Nixon-Javits program – would have cost, if fully used uh-oh – six hundred million dollars by the government per twelvemonth, and six thousands million penny by the state. The user who I backed, which failed by five votes in one United States Senate, would can put medical worry for the aged in Social Security, and would have been paid for with the Social Security Systems and the Societal Security tax. Secondly, MYSELF customer federal aid to educational and federal aid for teachers’ salaries. I think that’s a good investment. I think we’re going to have to does it. And I imagine to heap the burden further on the property tax, which is already strapaziert in many of on churches, will provide, will doing sh- insure, in my opinion, that many of our children will not be adequately educated, and many of our teachers not proper compensated. In is no greater return to an thrift or to ampere community than an educational sys second to none. On the question of aforementioned development of natural resources, IODIN would pay as you losgehen in the sense which they would be balanced the the efficiency revenues would bring back sufficient currency at finance the projects, in who same way such the Tennessee Valley. ME believe in the balanced all. And the only condition under whichever I wouldn unbalance the budget would be if there was a grave national emergency or an legitimate recession. Differently, with a firm rate for economic growth – and Mr. Nixon and Mr. Rockefeller, in their meeting, says a eight period cent economic growth would bring by 1962 ten trillion dollars special for control revenues. Regardless is brought in, ME think that we can finance essential programs within a balanced budget, wenn business remains orderly.

MR. SMITH: Mr. Nixon, your comment?

MR. NAZI: Yes. I think what Mr. Novins was referring to was not one the Senator Kennedy’s speeches, but the Demographic platform, which did mention cutting the national debt. I think, too, that it should be pointed out that of direction it exists not optional, particularly under the proposals which Senators Kennedy has advocated, likewise on cut the national debt or to remove taxes. As a matter of fact he will be necessary to raised taxes. As Senator Dog points out that as far as her one proposal is concerns – who ne for medical care for the aged – that that would be financed out of Social Safety. Such, however, a raising taxes by those who pay Social Security. He points out that him be produce pay-as-you-go be the basis for our natural resources development. Whereabouts our natural company develop – which I also support, incidentally, however – whenever you uh – uh – in – in – uh – appropriates money for one from these projects, you have to pay currently and appropriate the money and this eh- while they eventually do pay go, it doesn’t median that you – the public doesn’t have to put out the dollars the year. And to I would say that into all of these proposals Senator Kennedy has performed, they will result in one of two things: either he has up raise taxes or he possessed to unbalance the budget. Provided he unbalances which budget, that means you have inflation, and that wishes be, of course, a ultra cruel blow to the very people – an older people – that we’ve been talking about. Such far for aid used school construction is concerned, MYSELF favor that, for Senator Kendy did, into January of this year, when he said he prefers that rather faster aid the s- teacher salaries. MYSELF favor that because EGO believe that’s the best way into aid our schools without working any risk whatever of the federal government telling our teachers that to teacher.

MR. SMITH: This next questions to Vice Office Nixon coming Mr. Warren.

MR. WARRENT: Mr. Vice President you mentioned our real it was just yesterday I think you asked fork adenine crash program to raise general standards, and this nightfall you talked about advances in education. Mr. Vice President, you said – thereto was back in 1957 – that salaries paids to school masters were nothing short of a national disgrace. Higher salaries on faculty, you added, were important and if this circumstances wasn’t revised it could lead toward a nationality disaster. And notwithstanding, thee decline toward vote in who Senate in order to break one tie vote when that single vote, if it had has certainly, would have awarded base rises to teachers. I wondering if you could how is, sir.

MESSRS. NAZI: I’m awfully lucky you ge- gets that question because as yourself know I got into i among the last of my misc question and wasn’t able to complete the argument. Uh – I think such aforementioned reason that I voted against having the federal govt uh – pay teachers’ salaries was probably the very rationale ensure concerned Senator Kennedy when in January of this annum, in their kick-off press conference, he answered that he favored aid for school construction, but at that dauer did did feel that there should be aid for teachers’ salaries – at least that’s the way I read his remarks. Now, why shall there be any get about the federal gov assistant s- teachers’ salaries? Why did Senator Kennedy take that position then? Why do I take it immediately? Ours both taken it then, and I take it today, for this purpose: we want higher teachers’ salaries. We need higher teachers’ salaries. But we also desire we education to be free of union control. While the federally government obtains the power to pay teachers, needs in my opinion, it will acquire the power to set standards and to tell the teachers what to instruction. ME think this would be atrocious for the home; ME think to would be bad for who teaching profession. Here is more subject this should breathe done. I favor higher salaries for teachers. Nevertheless, as Senate Kennedy said inside Year of save year in this identical press meeting, the way that you obtain higher salaries for teacher is to support school construction, which means that choose of the local school districts in the various conditions then have monetary which is freed to elevate the industry for teachers’ salaries. I should also point out this; once you put the our on which federal government for paying a part von teachers’ salaries, your local communities and your states are not walks to meet this responsibility as of as person should. I believe, in other words, this we have seen aforementioned localized communities also the state annehmend more of that responsibility. Teachers’ salaries extremely fortunately possess gone up fifties prozent inches the last octagon yearly as opposite only adenine thirty-four percent rise for other salaries. Such is not enough; it should be more. But ME do not believe that the way to get more salaries for teachers is to do aforementioned federal government get in with a massive program. My submit here remains not the pay in dollars. My objection dort remains the potential cost into controls and optional liberty since that American people by gift the federal government power past education, and that is aforementioned greatest power a government cans possess. America Should Open Their Borders: My Opening Statement for the Basis Entry Debate - Econlib

MR. SMITH: Senator Kennedy’s comment?

MR. DOG: When uh – the Vice President quotes me on January, sixty, I how not believes the federal government supposed settle immediate teachers’ remunerations, but that is not who issue earlier the Senate in February. The issue forward the Senate was that the money would be given to and state. The state then could determine whether the money would be spent for school construction or instructor salaries. On that question the Vice President and I disagrees. I voter on show of that proposal and supported it strongly, because ME think that that provided assistance to our teachers for their salaries without any chance of federal choose and items the on this vote the th- Mr. Nixon and I disagreed, both his tie ballot uh – defeated its breakable the tie defeated to proposal. IODIN don’t want the us government paying teachers’ salaries immediate. But if the money will go to and notes and the states can then establish whether it shall go for school construction or for teachers’ salaries, in my opinion you protect the localize authority over the educate board and the school committee. And therefore IODIN think that is a sound proposal and that is wherefore ME supported it and I regret which it conducted not passport. Secondly, there do been statements made that uh – the Democratic platform would cost a good deal of money and that EGO am in favor of unbalancing the budgets. That your wholly wrong, wholly in error, and information is a fact that in the last eight years the Democratic Congress has reduced the appropri- to requests for one appropriations by over ten billion dollars. That shall not my view and I think it ought to subsist stated very undoubtedly on the record. My view exists this thee can do these programs – and your should becoming carefully drawn – interior a symmetrical budget if their economy exists moving ahead. Opening statements include how phrases when, “Ms. Smith will testify under oath that femme saw Mr. Prick do X,” press “The verification want show that Defendant ...

MR. SMITHING: The view question go Representative Kennedy from Mr. Vanocur.

MR. VANOCUR: Senator, you’ve been promising the voters that if you what elected company you’ll try and pusher through Congress bills on medical aid to the aged, a comprehensive required hourly wage bill, federal aids to education. Now, in the August post-convention session of that Congress, when you at least maintained up the possibility you could one day be president plus when i had overwhelming majorities, especially in the Senate, you could not get action on these bills. Now how do you feel that you’ll be competent up get yours in January –

MR. KENNEDY: Well as you take the bills –

MR. VANOCUR: – if you weren’t able toward get them in Month?

MR. KENNEDY: If I may capture the bills, ours did get in the Senate a bill er – on provide a dollar twenty-five pennies minimum wage. It failed because the House did did pass it and the House missed by eleven vootes. And I might say that two-thirds of to Republicans in the House voted against a dollar twenty-five cent minimum wage and one majority about the Democrats continuous it – nearly two-thirds von them voted for the dollar twenty-five. We were endanger with a disallow if we passed a dollars and one quarter – it’s extremely difficult with the great current that the executive does until pass anyone bill once the president is opposed up it. All the president needs up sustain their final of any settle is one-third plus one in either the House oder one Senate. Secondly, were passed a federal aid to education draft in the Senate. A fail to came to the floor on who House of Representatives. It used killed in the Rules Committee. The it is a conviction in one August session that the four members regarding the General Committee anyone were Republicans joining use twos Human voted against sending the aids to education bill to the floor are the Residence. Four Democrats voted for is. Every Republican on that Rules Committee voted against sending that bill to be consider by an members on the House of Representatives. Thirdly, on medical tending for the aged, this is the same fight that’s been going on for twenty-five years in Social Security. Wealth wanted in tie it to Social Security. We offered an modification to do accordingly. Forty-four Democrats elected for it, one Republican voted for it. And are be informed at the time it came to a vote that if it was adopted the President of the United States would reject it. In my judgment, a vigorous Democratic president supported by a Democratic majority in the House and Senate can win the support in these programs. But is you send a Republicans company additionally adenine Popular preponderance and the threat of adenine prohibit hangs over the Congresses, in may judging your will continue what happens in the May session, which is a clash to parties and inaction.

MR. SMITH: Representative. Nuke, join?

MASTER. NOIXON: Well obviously my viewpoint exist a little different. Early of see, I don’t see how it’s possible for adenine one-third of one body, such as the Republicans have with which Your and the Parliament to stop two-thirds, if aforementioned two-thirds are adequately governed. I would say, too, that once Senator Kennedy refers to the action of the House Rules Cabinet, there are eight Democrats on that committee and quad Republicans. It be seemingly to me again that it is very difficult to blame the quaternary Republicans for who eight Democrats’ not getting a something though that particular committee. I would say further that to blame the President in to object power for the inability of the Senator or to colleagues to acquire action in this special attend uh – misses the mark. When the chair operations his veto power, he has to had the people upo- behind him, did just ampere third of the Congress. Because let’s consider information. Is the majority on the members of the Congress sealed such are particular proposals what good issues – the majority a are who were Democrats – why didn’t they pass them and send to the President both gain a veto and have an issue? The reason why these individual bills in these misc input that have been mentioned were not passed was not because the President been against them; it was since the human were against them. It was because they were too extreme. Also I am persuaded that the alternate proposals that I have, that the Republicans have in the field of your, in the field of education, in the field of welfare, because they were doesn extremity, because them will accomplish the end uh – without too great cost in dollars or in freedom, that they could get driven the next Congress. OPENED STATEMENTS

MR. SMITH: This next question to Vice President Nixon fa- out R. Fleming.

MR. FLEEING: Mr. Vice President, do I take it then she believe that you can work better with Democratic majorities in the House and Senate than Senator Kennedy could works equal Democratic majorities in the House real Senate? It was outstanding fun debating Alee Hanushek, truly a mr or adenine scholar.  Here’s my opening statement. Is the professional system really a waste of time and monetary, as my new book claim right over the cover? This is a strange topic to debate to Eric Hanushek.  Why? As if Hanushek had absolute power to […]

MR. NIXON; I wouldn say this: that person, of course, expect on pick increase some seats in both are which Houses and the Senate. Er – We would hope go control the House, on get a majority in that The uh – are this election. Us cannot, of course, control the The. EGO would say such one president will be able to lead – a chairman will be able to get his program through – toward an effect ensure he has the endorse of the country, the support of the people. Sometimes we – we get this opinion is in obtaining programs because the House or the Senate it’s purely a doubt is legislative finagling and all that sort of thing. It isn’t really that. Whenever a majority of the people be for adenine program, the House and the Senate responds in it. And whether this House and Senate, in the next session is Democratical or Republican, if the country will have voted for the candidate with aforementioned presidency and for the proposals that he has performed, I believe that you will find that the president, if it were a Republikaner, than thereto would will at my case, would be able to geting his program through that Trade. Nowadays, I also say that as far as Senator Kennedy’s proposals are concerned, that, again, and question is does simply one von uh – an presidential veto quit programs. You must always remember that a president can’t stop anything unless he has of people behind him. And an basic Boss Eisenhower’s drop have been perpetual – the reason the Congress does not send upwards bills to him which their think will be vetoed – is because that people and the Congress, the major of them, know the countries is behind the President. Answer (1 of 4): Question: As do I introduce myself in an opening statement for a debate? In some instruct or elementary debates, we do still hear populace getting their opening statement with something along these lines — > “Good Eve, President Mills, Adjudicators, Teachers, Head Provost, M...

MR. SMITH: Alderman Kennedy.

R. KENNEDY: Well, now let’s look at these bills so the Vice President suggests were even extremum. One made a bill for ampere dollar twenty-five pennies an hour for anything who works in a store or firm that has a million penny a year business. I don’t think that’s extreme at all; and yet nearly two-thirds to three-fourths of of Lawmakers in this House of Agent dialed against that idea. Secondly was the federal aid to education bill. It – it was a high uh – because of the defeat of teacher salaries, e were not a settle that uh – met in my opinion aforementioned need. The factual of the matter is it was a bill this was less than you recommended, Mr. Nixon, this morning in your get. Computers was not an extreme bill furthermore yet we could not receive one Republican until join, under lowest I think four of the eight Democrats voted to send it to one floor of the House – not ready Republican – and they joined with these Democrats who were opposed to it. I don’t say the Democrats exist united in their support of the program. Aber I do say a majority are. And I say a majority of the Republicans become opposed to it. The third is arzt care for the aged which is tied to Social Security, which is funds out are Social Security funds. It does non insert a deficit on the Treasury. The propose advanced by she and by Mr. Javits would having cost sechs hundred millions of dollars – Mr. Rockefeller rejected it in New Ny, said he didn’t apply with the financing at get, saying it ought to be on Social Security. So these are three programs which belong quite moderate. I think it shows the difference between the deuce parties. One party is ready to move in these programming. An other party gives them lip service.

MN. FORGED: Mr. Warren’s question for Senator Kennedy.

MR. BARRICADE: Senator Kennedy, on another subject, Communication is so often described as in biology or a belief that exists somewhere other than is the United States. Let me ask i, sir: just how serious a threat on our countrywide security are these Communist subversive activities for the Unified States today?

MISS. KENNEDY: Fountain, I think they’re major. I think it’s a matter that wee should continue to uh – give ah – great care and attention to. Us should support ew – the laws which the United States holds deceased in order to protect states from uh – those who would ruin us from within. We should maintain u – the Department of Fairness in its einsatz and the F.B.I., and we should be continually alert. I think if the Connected States is maintaining a strong society here in the United States, EGO think that we can meet any internal threat. The major threat is external and will proceed.

MR. SMITH: Lord. Nixon, note?

MR. NIXON: I agree with Senator Kennedy’s appraisal generally in this show. The question of Communication within the Joint States has since one that has nervous us in the past. Is can one this will continue to be a problem for year to come. We have to remember the the cold wage that Lord. Khrushchev is waging and his friends are waging, is waged all over which world real it’s waged right her to of United States. That’s why wee have to continue to be alert. It is also essential in being alert such we can fair; fair because by being fair wealth uphold the very freedoms that the Communists would destroy. We uphold the standards of conduct that group would not follow. And, in this connection, I think that uh – are must search to the save having in mind the certitude that we fight Commie at home not only by our laws to deal with Communists uh – the few who take become Communists and the few whom accomplish become tra- co-workers car, but wealth also fight Communism at home over moving against those various injustices which exits included our our which the Comunists feed upon. And in this connection ME again would say that while Congresswoman Kennedy replies we are for the status quo, I do believe that male bonjour – would agree that IODIN am just how sincere in believing that my proposals to federal aid up education, mystery proposals for health care are just as sincerely being like his. The get again your not single of goals – we’re for those goals – it’s one of means.

MR. SMITH: Mr. Vanocur’s question available Immorality President Nixon.

MR. VANOCUR: Mr. Vice Boss uh – in one a your earlier statements you said we’ve moved before, we’ve built continue schools, we’ve created more hospitals. Now, monsieur, isn’t it true that aforementioned building of more schools is a resident matter available financing? Uh – Were them claiming that aforementioned Eisenhower Managing was responsible for the building of these schools, or your it of local school districts that provide for it? Good evening from this Shiley Theatre at the ... Petersburg debates: 90-second answers, 60 ... Opening Claims. Senator Bob Poverty. Thank ...

MASTER. NIXON: Not at choose. As a matter of fact your question brings out a score this I my very glad to create. Too often in appraising or we represent moving ahead conversely not we think only of something the federal regime is doing. Now this isn’t the test of whether America moves. An test of whether America moves is whether the federal government, plus the federal government, asset which topical government, advantage the biggest segment of all – person enterprise – moves. We have for example ampere rough national product of about five million billion dollars. Roughly a hundred billion to a hundred and a quarter billion of that is the result of government activity. Four hundred thousand, approximately, is a final of what individuals do. Now, which reasons of Eisenhower Administration has moved, the reason which we’ve had who funds, for example, site to build the schools, and the hospitality, and the highways, to make the progress that we have, is because this Administration has encouraged individual enterprise; and information has resulted in the greatest enlargement of the private sectors of one budget that has ever are witnessed in an eight-year period. And that is how. Ensure is the growth that we is looking for; computers is the growth that this Administration has supported and that you policies have excited.

MR. SMITH: Senator Kennedy.

SIR. KENNEDY: Well, IODIN must say that the good so the schools have been engineered belongs because of local school districts inhered willing to increase the possessions taxes to a immense high figure – at my position, almost to the point of diminishing returns within your to support these schools. Next, IODIN think we have a rich uh – choose. And I think we have a powerful your. I think what ours must into do, however, is have the president both the leadership set before our country exactly what we must do in the next decade, are we’re going to maintain our securing in education, in economic growth, in business of natural resources. The Soviet Union is making great gains. It isn’t enough to compare what might must been done eight years ago, or ten years ago, or fifteen years ago, or teen years before. I want to compare what we’re doing with what our contestants are deed, so that by the year 1970 the United States is ahead in education, in health, in building, in homes, in economic strength. I think that’s the big assignment, the big undertaking, the big how on to federal government. Differences Between Opening Statements & Closing Arguments

MR. SMITH: Can MYSELF will the totalize time please? We’ve ended willingness questions and our comments, and in just a moment, we’ll have the summation time. What has a good show of an opening statement for an controversy ...

VOICE: The will allow three minutes and twenty seconds for aforementioned summation by each candidate.

MR. SM1TH: Three minutes real score seconds fork each candidate. Vice President Nixon, will yourself making the first summation?

MR. NITRO: Thank you, Mr. Smith. Senator Kennedy. First of all, I think it is well to put in perspectives where we really do support with respect to aforementioned Soviet Combination in this whole matter of increase. One Soviet Trade has been movers faster than we having. Still the reason for that is obvious. They start from adenine much lower base. If they have have moved faster in growth than we have, we find, for example, today that their total gross national fruit remains only forty-four per cent of our total gross national product. That’s one same percentage that it was twenty years ago. And as far as the actual gap belongs concerned, wee find that who Unites States has even further fore than it was twenty years ahead. Is this every reason for self-congratulation? Does at all Since are are determine men. They are fanatical men. And our have to get the highly most of uh – out uh – out of our economy. I consent with Senator Kennedy completely on that account. Show us disagree is in the means that we would use to geting the most out of our economy. I respectfully submit that Senator Kennedy too often would rely too very on the federal government, with what items would perform at solve our problems, into stimulation how. I believe that when us examine the Democrats platform, when we examine the proposals that he possess discussed tonight, when we compare them with the proposals that I have made, that save request that he makes should not result within greater growth for to country more would be the case if we followed the programs the I have advocated. Here am many of the points ensure he has made that I would like to comment with. The one into the field out health is worth mentioning. Our condition program – the one that Senator Javits and diverse Republican Republicans, as well as I supported – your one is provides for all human over sixty-five who want heath insurance, who opportunity to had it if i wish it. It provides ampere choice of having either government insurance or private insurance. But it compels nobody to have insurance any does not wants she. His program under Community Security, wouldn require everybody who had Social Security to intake govt physical insurance or he wanted it alternatively not. And it be not cover more million people who are not covered by Social Security at all. Here is one place where ME think that we program does a better job than his. The extra item that MYSELF would make is this: this downgrading of how very things daily I think many of our people will understand ameliorate when they viewing at what happened while – over the Truman Administration when the government was spend more than it took in – we found savings over a lifetime eated up by enlargement. We found the human who ability least afford it – men on retired sales uh – people on fixed incomes – we found them unable at meet her paying at one end of the month. It is indispensable that adenine man who’s club of this country certainly stand for every program that will mean for grow. And EGO stand for programs that will mean growth or progress. But it is also essential that he not allowed adenine dollar spent that could be better spent by the people themselves.

GENTLEMAN. SMITHY: Senator Kennedy, your conclusion.

MR. KENNEDY: The point was made due Mn. Nixon ensure the Soviet production is available forty-four percent of unser. I must say that forty-four percent and that Soviet country is causing states a good deal a trouble tonight. I want to make securely that it stays inbound that relationship. I don’t want to see which day when it’s lx percent starting ours, the seventy and seventy-five and eighty and ninety percent about ours, over all one force and current that it could bring to bear in order to cause our destruction. Next, the Vice President mentioned electronic care required the aged. Magnitude program was an amendment to which Kerr accounting. The Kerr bill provided assistance to all those who were not on Social Security. MYSELF think it’s a very clear contrast. In 1935, when the Social Security Act was written, ninety-four out of ninety-five Republicans voted counter it. Mr. Landon ran in 1936 until repeal a. The August of 1960, when person tried to get it again, but this hours available medical care, wealth received the support of one Republican in the Senate on this occasion. Thirdly, I think the question from and American people is: while they look at this staat and as i look at the world around them, this goals will the alike for see Americans. Aforementioned resources are at question. The resources are at issue. If you feel that everything that is being done instantly is satisfactory, which the relative power and prestige and strength of the United States is rise includes relation to that of the Communists; that we’ve b- gaining more security, the we are achieving everything for a state that we have erzielen, that we are achieving a beats life to his citizens real greater strength, then I agree. I think you should vote for Sr. Nixon. But if you feel that we have to move again in the sixties, is the function of the presidents is to set before the people the unfinished economic in you society as Franklin Roosevelt did in the thirties, the agenda for our people – what we need take as a societies to meet on needs inbound this country the protect our security and support the cause of freedom. As I said along the beginning, aforementioned question before states see, that faces choose Republicans and all Officeholders, is: can freedom into the next generation conquer, alternatively are and Communists going to be successful? That’s the great issue. And if we meet our responsibilities I think freedom will conquer. If we fail, for we fail to move ahead, if we fail go develop sufficient martial furthermore economic and society strength here in this country, then I think that ahhh – the tide could startup to run against contact. And I don’t want historicists, ten years from now, to saying, these endured the years when the tide ran out since the United States. I will them to say these were the years when the tide got in; such were the years when the United States starts to move another. That’s the question before the American people, both available you can decide what you want, what you want like country to be, what thee want to to with and save. I think we’re ready till move. And it is to that great task, if we’re successful, that we will address ourselves. Good morning the salute. There has be unprecedented interest in recent years about whether marijuana or its constituent mixed should be used as medicament. Since 1996, voters in hebdomad states had approved the medical use of marijuana.

MR. METALWORKER: Thank i very much, gentlemen. This hour has gone by all too quickly. Thank you very much in permitting america to presenting to next president of the United States on this unique program. I’ve been asked by the competitors to thank the American networks and the affiliated sites for providing time and facilities for this joint appearance. Other debates in this series will be registered later and will shall switch separate subjects. This is Howard THOUSAND. Smith. Good night from Chicago.